Friday, January 10, 2014

Embroidery with the Brother 770

DSC_2761Finally!   I can’t tell you how excited I am to have this device.    I feel like a kid on Christmas….which…if you think about it,  I guess that is really what I am.   This Item is more than just a new toy ( although it feels like it is one to me!) It is a tool we will be using in the upcoming Stocking Season for names.   I’m imagining that there will be a learning curve somewhere,   But this thing is quite amazing.   In about 15 minutes,  I was able to open the box, plug it in and stitch my name on a random piece of felt.   ( most of that time was spent unwrapping it actually.)  DSC_2765

The instructions are pretty easy to follow…But I didn’t even fully read them.  I simply looked at the pictures and followed the diagrams   EASY!   To be totally honest, I HAVE nbeen watching YouTube videos about the Brother 770 ( And several other embroidery machines) so I had a little bit of a jump start on the average person.   Mostly on the simple things: Threading the needle, using the fold selector,  adjusting the hoop…things like that.DSC_2762 DSC_2763  

After seeing that the embroidery does not require interfacing, I decided to proceed to step two and see what the difference in sizes where.  DSC_2766 The one on the bottom is a large script, the one on the top is a standard medium font.  There are six fonts to choose from,  I will be experimenting with these further.   As of the writing of this post, I figured out a way to adjust the size of the font a little more.   Making the medium slightly larger or smaller than the one shown here.  It’s actually quite easy. DSC_2767

Then there what the largest hurdle:  Embroidering on a finished stocking!   We had a couple of stockings that were returned and they already had names on them.   Thus, we can never resell them.   Destined for the garbage,  I thought I could experiment on them without risking a “good” stocking.   I had a plan on how I would deal with a stocking that is finished and required a name.  I would have to zip open the toe and hoop it up and adjust the name from there.  I did not know if the hoop would hold,  the buttons would interfere, or if the name would even match up where I wanted to put it.   I was ESTATIC that it SURPASSED my expectations.   The glitter name was taking up the normal space where the name goes, but I was able to adjust it up and down so the stitched name would fit…..And I think it looks AWESOME! 

DSC_2764 Well,   That is all for now.  There is much left to do and experiment on.   Cheryl is concerned about how we should approach this coming season with the stockings fully assembled or partially assembled to make the embroidery easy.   We will have to see how things turn out and how the size, font and thread color turn out in the end product.   I can’t wait to Fire it up again.   We shall see!

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