Just a quick post on the weekend projects.
Lots and Lots of origami fish. I have been working on a catfish that has showed promise. But I’ll have to play with it more to get it display worthy. In the mean time, I just listed a bunch of “experiments’ that I have been playing with over the last few months. Mostly small fish originally for an order that never materialized. So….with a little luck….someone on Etsy will have the fortune to cash in on a stock of fish for half price. we shall see how it goes. In the mean time..enjoy the pics!
Sunday, September 28, 2014
School of Origami Fish
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Adventures with Cheryl ( and Ethan) : The Beer Float
Well, Technically this was all Cheryl's Idea. My only contribution was that I failed to oppose it. Cheryl liked the Three Philosophers so much, she put forth the Idea that we should make a float out of it with a “really good Ice cream!”
I like beer….I like Ice Cream. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, First….Really good Ice cream in Cheryl’s book is Gelato. And not just vanilla…Oh no! It has to be Caramel Sea Salt. This is where a few problems come in. The Caramel Sea Salt Gelato has “Chunks” in it. Little chocolate covered caramel bits that have a nice semi sweet salty taste. ( sounds pretty good….if you plan on not making a float of any kind)
In case you fail to see the logical problem with this. I’ll reveal a little spoiler: Chocolate covered Caramels do NOT dissolve in beer….Let alone ANY liquid. Your Smooth creamy taste is going to be interrupted with “texture” . Again…..Texture is fine…in say: A sundae. But not in a float.
Then there is the Chemical reaction that occurs when you pour beer over ice cream. I’m not sure what processes are going on..but it does this to the foam. At first I didn’t think it looked that bad. The Dark Brown color gave it a rich caramel look…..However….if you look at it from another angle. It looks like a bubbling brew of toxic waste.
Still need help? Let’s change the color a bit.
Then there is the flavor. Despite the texture, I actually did not think the flavor was that bad. Sure, I would most likely no seek it out again. But it was at least palatable. I have eaten Worse things before. I do not, however, like to be reminded of those events.
Cheryl on the other hand, was not so forgiving. She ended up giving my the remainder of her float and noted that she though the “Two Great Tastes…..do not always Taste Great Together.” In this case, it would appear that the two great testes cancel each other out.
Friday, September 19, 2014
ACT Finale! With Hummingbirds....

In the mean time. Enjoy ths supper short video of the hummers. I was able to get pretty close to them! Maybe they will eventually sit on my hand and sip nectar our of my palm. Wouldn't that be cool!
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Hummingbirds, Whooping Cranes, And a revisit to the Three philosophers.
It’s getting cold here in Iowa….and the Migration is on! Last week, Cheryl and I witnessed migrating Whooping Cranes over Iowa City during the Saturday Farmers Market. We had to look them up because I was not sure what they were at first. You see…it was bright, chilly, and the sky was the most Brilliant of Sapphire Blue. These birds were strikingly white and black.
I have seen plenty of Sand Hill Cranes and Blue Herons. Egrets live further south and are completely white. But never there black wing tips.
It was funny..because we have a mobile with whooping cranes in our very living room. Anyway, the online search shows how they differ from other birds ( like the Japanese version) They were quite the site to see.
And most people never noticed then because they were VERY high in the sky. Lucky us!
And then there are the hummingbirds. I think the parent birds are gone and the “kids” remain fighting over the feeder. As mentioned before. the weather has become chilly as of last week and I’m sure it will not be long before they had better pull up stakes and head for warmer climate as well. But in the mean time. They have been fighting and swarming the feeder like fighter jets.
They dogfight all day long until just before nightfall. And then all three will call a truce and sit on the feeder together to tank up for the night. I have been enjoying the fun for several days now. I love my feeder getting so much activity. I’m a little concerned that my “potent brew” might be causing them to hang out longer than they should. I would hate for them to get stranded here when the killing frost its. Ah well….I’m sure Mother nature has programmed into them somewhere when they should call it a day and head on out. As for now…I’ll continue to enjoy the display.
And finally, Cheryl and I revisited the Three Philosophers. My first impression was smoky sweet. Cheryl’s was Dried apricots. I could taste the apricots after she had mentioned them….but I think Abby Ale is still my favorite. Still. It is a good beer and has quite the spectrum of flavors packed in. ( more than just smoky apricots)
Cheryl thinks it would taste really good with a dark chocolate ice cream. I’m not sure how any beer would taste with Ice Cream…but recently….with the various pumpkin ales and honey Weiss, I’m sure that it may be possible. If that experience ever happens…I’m sure I will have to blog about it.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Origami Anyone?
What is there to blog about other than origami anyway?
I mean, this was called the midnight carver once because all I ever did was carve wood. Now I fold paper. And my life is rather boring on a daily basis.
We have started another project for ACT recently and this one is cool! Easy to score and the prompts fly by. We get to work with all the cool people in our peer group and the trainings are interesting. However…..sales are beginning to pick up and coming hoe zapped every night is beginning to strain our happy sales. It’s a curious thing because we like working at ACT and we hear the work is slowly drying up so we should try to gather as much ACT as we can in the remaining time. However…Stockings have always been priority when it comes to this time of year. Similar to the Iowa Harvest I guess.
With that being said, we have to make decisions on whether we wish to take another project following this one. We shall see when the time presents itself. In the mean time…enjoy the origami…