Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Race Free Weekend!

Cheryl's lite run this weekend. 
 Ah!  What to do on a weekend where there is no travel or racing involved....   (Not to be confused with a weekend where the racing is Free!  i.e. No race fee...)  Cheryl has literally been running us ragged for the last month!   Get it?  Running....   Because she runs races.... All the time!    But finally, as Summer arrives with its Heat and Humidity and endless sunburning sunshine,  Cheryl has wisely or accidentally chosen to take a break.  Yeah for me!  I mean... Us!

Rain brings flowers. 
I'm kidding.  I love to travel in the Subaru.   Driving Subie is about as close to riding on an angels wings as you can get here on Earth.  ( So one Subaru driver put it,  And I liked the analogy.) And Cheryl's legs are slowly getting beat up to the point of where she is having niggles. ( Runner term for "annoying pain in your feet and legs that are not noticeable under normal work loads.") She could use the rest and I could use the time at home to better myself, fold origami, play with cats, and save the world!
And Mushrooms. 

I search while she runs. 
Saving the world might take a little longer,  but I can fold Origami immediately!   And pet the cat(s)!   With last week being rather rainy,  we were forced to stay inside and not run after or before work.   Cheryl has been a little nervous about taking that much time off from running, but I'm sure it will ultimately do her some good.

Small corals in our front yard. 
They poof spores when you ouch
The rain has also brought out a number or mushrooms.   Most of the ones I have been finding are rather small and frail.  I'm sure there Spring Mushrooms are the kind that bloom in the morning and die by mid-afternoon.  Still, they are fun to find and admire.   It may be a few more months before the edible Boletes and Chanterelles arrive.  But I will keep a close eye out for them.

Mini puffballs!  Also in he stump
out front. 
Small while Jelly mushrooms.
Not Woodear, I'm thinking. 
Some mini puffballs and jelly mushrooms have found their way to our front yard stump.  I have seeded  Oyster Mushrooms and Lion's Mane in this stump all winter and spring.  I'm hoping they find fertile ground to fruit in the fall. 

Some purple corals,  Very small. 
White spider network.  Notice the
brown bruising where I touched it. 

There is also this web-like mushroom spider webbing all across the sides.   If I'm lucky  it is the mycylium of one of the desirable mushrooms.  I see that it bruises brown ( similar to Lion's Mane)  and if the Lion's Mane gets established,  I would be thrilled!

Could this possibly be Lion's Mane
Blewits in the Garden... Hopefully
in the late summer/fall.
As for the Garden.   Well,  The Tomatoes are not looking the best.  The Landlord told me she has just put out her plants with the cool temps and wet weather.   I can see why.  The seedlings we planted earlier are all gone ( at least I can't find them anymore)   and the only plants I DO have are the ones the neighbor gave to me a few weeks ago. ( apparently,  his green thumb produced too many seedlings and he had to give many of them away.)  I also planted a bunch of different Mushroom Species in the garden and it is possible that I still may get some to grow there.   Blewits are good to eat and they love disturbed Earth patches.  We shall see how the Iowa Summer behaves this year.

Shackleton's ill fated tale of survival.  Everyone loves a
good Survival story. 

And then there is the Origami.   For some unknown reason,  the Shackleton story of the Endurance has captured our imagination.  If you are unfamiliar with the story,  he is an explorer who goes to Antarctica to cross the continent.
Or Movie...
 However, he gets frozen in the ice and the icebergs crush his ship.  After 10 months ( and some change) he has to row back to civilization with his crew in three little life boats.  An amazing story of survival!  ( or you can watch the movie on the History Channel like I did)  And yes!  They did eat the dogs...
Surrounded by Killer Whales,
penguins, and...peace doves?  

And that is the inspiration for the Origami.   Ships, Penguins, orcas, and icebergs have been on the agenda for folding.   Also, a lady wanted a dove.... The peace dove is so common in the origami world,  I folded up several versions.  Hopefully she will like one of them.
Orca drying on the door. 

 And that is all for now.   The Pearson Project continues and is actually refreshingly pleasant to do.  I actually look forward to scoring each day.   It is supposed to last another two weeks, but as things pick up, It is possible that it may end sooner.    I will miss it when it is finished, but I have many other things that require my attention and are not centered around a job.  But we will make hay while the sun shines.    Thanks for stopping in.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

I see you two are as busy as ever! I enjoyed seeing all your mushrooms...I find them interesting but don't know which ones would kill me:0 Good thing I don't like the taste...even on a steak! Sorry Cheryl did not win the big money...I am certain she really tried! :)


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