Saturday, June 8, 2019

My Secret Disdain Of Hope.

And this Hope is Painful.... 
Hope.  I dislike the word "Hope."    Specifically,  the Noun version.    At least the Verb form of Hope has some benign action attached to it.   Similar to wishing good will upon a fellow human being:  " I hope you feel better."   It is very similar to saying: "Have a nice day." or "Good Morning!"   Even if it is not a particularly good morning to be outside on a walk.   ( i.e.  raining...)

Perhaps it is because it is over-used, or maybe I'm attaching more of a bleak meaning to it than it really deserves.   But "Hope" has been used a lot lately in the papers around here.   And not the Verb version.   "I hope it doesn't rain anymore."  "I hope the flood waters recede."   All perfectly acceptable uses of the word.   But the Papers... and the News stories.   "People of Iowa Cling to Hope! " 

How pathetic!   I want to believe the People of Iowa are stronger than that.   Heck!  The Rebellious and tenacious nature of AMERICA!   Hope?.. BA!    Hope (the Noun) never gets you anything.  You can't buy Hope to fix your ailments or leaking roof.  You can't scoop Hope onto a plate and eat it.    Dare I say,  Hope ( the Noun) is for helpless Losers!  (Ok,  perhaps loser is a little harsh...)   But why does this little pet peeve irritate me so?    (Just like flip flops.)

We were watching a documentary of the Dust Bowl, back during the early 1930's and everyone ... EVERYONE!   Clung to Hope ( the Noun).   I guess I can understand the form of helplessness one might feel. ( because we have been there...  Just read the 2009-2010 blog posts) but ultimately you have to move to the action version of Hope...the Verb.   Do something and "Hope" it works...
So stop waiting for Hope

While the two versions of the same word might mean little to anyone else,  the subtle differences are obvious to me.   And even though Hope can not be purchased to make things better....  it can be sold. 
The Best at shoveling  Hope...  And semi-universal Healthcare. 
President Obama is one such famous salesmen.   Sure, other politicians have sold the same line,  but Obama had it down to a science!   He even wrote a book about the Audacity of Hope!   A title I still do not understand. Taking a bold risk to do nothing?  Or is it rude to wish for something to change while doing nothing to change it?  Way to stay vague!   

Maybe that is a good thing!  
But after Obama,   Hope ( the Noun) seems to be all the rage these days.   Clinging to Hope;   Wishing for Hope;  We just need more Hope!    Why? How about a little Hope for your Sandwich....  Or better yet!     How about do something!  And them Hope (the Verb) for the best.   And if things do not work out,   re-work the plan to fix it!

I never thought of myself as a Grammar Nazi.  Goodness knows this blog proves I am no such thing.   But whenever I read a "pray for Hope" quote on the headlines or Newspapers,   I hear fingernails on a chalkboard.  It's over-used and over-rated... And Over-due for a redefinition.  Perhaps I can Hope (the Verb) for  journalists  to eventually find the Noun version unfashionable, and find something else to overuse and abuse.   Today's press writers certainly lack snap and originality in their Prose...

Cheryl's Birthday festivities. 
But mostly I'm writing this because nothing really has happened this week.   We scored at Pearson,  Cheryl had a Birthday, and we are currently relaxing at home.  The weather is hot and there is not much to do outside...  run a little I guess.  Mostly, the weekends have been our "Battery Recharge" time.  and that is pretty boring to blog about.

Even Cheryl's Birthday seems to be a dud this year.   I'm sure we will eventually do something fun, not tied to the Birthday though.   We have been doing lots of runs and other fun things, so when the birthday comes along,  it seems like just something we normally do.
Know the Difference!

Other than that,  I Hope (the Verb)everyone is having a Fine afternoon and a great Weekend.   I Hope (the Verb) you enjoyed the little Rant about a seemingly insignificant word, and we shall never use Hope ( the Noun) to cure our diseases, mow our lawns, or clean our  Oceans.  There is no big bucket of Hope  to dip into to cuddle up with at night, or wrap ourselves up in on a cold winter's day.  Instead,  you should Hope for a Teddy Bear or a Blanket for your Birthday.  Or buy one for yourself, and throw Hope out the Window.


GardenGal said...

Amen, brother. Well said!

Far Side of Fifty said...

:0 Hope you feel better:)


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