Adventures in Muscatine, Time Past. |
Greetings! Another fine day to be
alive and have the ability to
tell everyone about it! Or basically another opportunity to enjoy the hobby of blogging.
Once upon a time... A Happy Runner. |
But what has happened since we last met? Why,
Running! Running with Cheryl, specifically. (Actually,
Biking while Cheryl runs... I don't run anymore.) And what
Crazy Adventures have the dynamic Duo been up to lately? (We put the
Crazy in Crazy Adventures!)
But why can't she run now? |
Well, not much. Ever since our new found freedom. (Or,
unemployment, as some might call it.) Cheryl has not really managed to run very much. Both of us are
stumped at what the cause for such a tragic outcome could be.

Cheryl blames society, her parents, the world, and Cake. ( or lack there of....)
Mother Nature is Trying to Kill US! |
I , being more
pragmatic, blame
Mother Nature. You see, I studied environmental science and biology in college, so I know a thing or two about how the environment is
constantly trying to kill us. It is mankind's
destiny and purpose to fight back against the never ending onslaught of nature's sinister plans. But perhaps I'm reading a little too much into it.
Angry weather raining on Our running. |
The obvious reason for the lack luster running is the weather ( still a part of Nature, though!) and how it has conspired to foil us at every turn.
Cheryl is melting. |
Running in the Heat. |
For instance! The heat. Cheryl ran in the heat and nearly melted! When the heat and humidity gang up on a runner, the eventually cave. Usually by running slower and/or limiting the distance of the training run. Good thing there was not a run scheduled for this weekend.
Running in the Cold.. ish. |
Then there is the cold. Or Cool, at this time of year. Normally when the temps dip to a comfortable low for running, it is accompanied by rain. Lots and Lots of rain. We ran in the rain, and got cold and semi-wet. Not the best experience for a cyclist like myself. Good thing there was not a run scheduled for this weekend.
They fly up your nose. |
Swams of Gnats. |
Before moving on, I should also mention the bugs. Gnats! With a capital "G"! The moist weather has triggered the swarms to fly in your face and up your nose. And they wait until you are hot and covered in sweat to stick to you. I personally like feeling them buzz around in my helmet ventilation holes. Where I can't swat them away and they somehow fail to find an exit out of there. So yea, Cheryl gets covered with salt and pepper bugs while I have gnats flying around inside my helmet, beating my head and flying in my eyes. Good times!
At least it was cool/damp/cold. |
Running in the Rain. |
And lastly, The wet. We started today off by heading to Muscatine. It has been a while and we were excited to check it out. Possibly get a cool 10 miles in along the Mississippi. When we arrived, we learned the trail was completely under water!
Starting at the "Goose Park"
(Actually, it's called "Weed Park" ) |
Today! Muscatine is Flooded. |
Muscatine has been at "Flood Stage" for the last 90 days! We have never seen the entire park where the fountain is located, under water. We decided to travel to a park (Weed Park, specifically, ) and start running from there. At least that section was dry.
Wonder why it is called "Goose Park?"
(I know, I know... It's 'Weed' Park) |
Thistle Puff Ball! |
Cheryl herds the Geese. |
MORE flooding! |
Cheryl ran through some of the geese while I played with some of the flowers. However, we eventually discovered that a huge section of that trail was also under water! We were forced to double back and re-run a section to get just under 7 miles. Again! Mother Nature was to blame.
All Done! All Better... |
Time for Tee's |
One of the cool things about traveling to Muscatine is the opportunity to Check out Tee's. Nothing says happiness better than a Banana Split at 10:30 in the morning. (plus they made the best cheeseburger!)
Snails and a bunch of Daphnia.
(water fleas) |
Blood worms, Minnows, |
One last note, The "puddle" that blocked our path near the train tracks was teaming with Life! Blood worms, snails, small fish and water fleas were swimming and swirling around. If I still had an aquarium, I might have had fun dipping small nets into the soup. But thankfully, I no longer waste my money on such things. I had to appreciate the micro-world in its natural habitat. It is bound to end soon enough.
Daphnia up close! So Cute! |
Daphnia up REALLY close!
So scary! |
So that is all! Wasn't that exciting? Sometimes you have to find the little things to make life livable. And, of course, it helps to blog about it. Thanks for stopping in.
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