Ready for a run? |
Coon Tracks in the Snow. |
For the last three days, we have been getting snow dumped on us. It makes for fun Winter Subie driving! (Subie LOVES snow!) As long as we can see, and the other drivers are not crazy, we have an enjoyable commute to work everyday. ( Mostly)
Some snow removal... |
LOTS of eagles. (22 to be exact... plus a few flying over the
river. |
Finally the temps have risen to the point where we are getting thick heavy wet snow and not the dry wispy stuff. Heavy snow is a little more fun to drive in because: Subie has traction! I can see! And the warmer temps keep the ice from forming on the roads.
Eagles! |
More Eagles. |
It also allows us to finally hit the trail to run/bike. I can handle the heavy wet snow much better with my bike than the crusty, " ice" snow. Turns out, I did not even have to worry much about it, since they have kept the trail along the river plowed for fellow "Outdoor Enthusiasts." If only they would plow the trail around the lake as well....
Lots of "Popular" trees. |
Cheryl scares them as she runs by. |
I simply can't stop myself from taking pictures of the Eagles. There were certainly a lot of them today! I counted 22 in one cluster of trees. They were constantly coming and going, so it was difficult to capture all of hem at any given time.
Fly! Here she Comes! |
Fly like the Wind! |
Not to mention taking pictures from a bike is not the best method. I missed several shots of Eagles flying right over Cheryl as she ran. Seems I have to be ready for anything all the time if I want to capture the "Ultimate Shot!"
Robins in the snow? |
Eating all the winter fruit. |
I also missed the first Robin of the year. Seems a little early for them..
.( They usually appear around the first of February.) Robins do not carry the same significance as they once did in Michigan ( They were the symbol of Spring) Here in Iowa, hardly anyone seems to notice that they strip the Crab Apple trees bare! Or that there are SWARMS of them clustered in any black cherry tree that still has fruit. Still, I enjoy seeing them this time of year.
They still hold that mystique for me.
Deer on the trail. |
Someone in black? Looks bad! |
And then there were the deer. Several weeks ago, they hired professional hunters to trim the deer population in the city limits. Since then, we have not seen many deer around Iowa city. I figured they were simply not as bold as they normally are after having the DNR shoot at them for several weeks. But today, three of them were on the trail right as Cheryl approached the bridge.
Better be safe and RUN! |
They hung around for a few moments, but eventually bolted off the trail. There was no where to go, so I thought I would get a great shot as they ran by me. Instead, they crossed the river!
Swim, Swim for your LIVES! |
Shake! Shake, shake, Shake! |
I guess Deer can handle the frigid water as long as they can get out. ( i.e. NOT fall through the Ice.) They crossed the river as if the water was pleasant and slow moving. They trotted out on the other side seemingly unaffected. Talk about All Terrain capability!
No more deer... |
I like the sound of that.... |
So Cheryl was finally able to complete 7 miles. She has mentioned if the weather stays consistent, we may have to run/bike after work. I guess I can bring my bike along and see how things go. We don't really have to go very far, just enough to drain all that anxious energy she has after sitting all day. Not to mention I could use a little exercise as well. Sitting for 8 hours is not very good for my butt! Last time I pulled my Hip flexor and could not sit comfortably for a month. Best to at least stretch things out from time to time.
Hope everyone is having a fine weekend so far. Work really cuts into my blog time. Perhaps I will be able to post some stuff mid week... if anything noteworthy happens. Thanks for stopping in.