I know the weekend is not over yet, but I have to work tomorrow so I figured I would try to hammer out a Blog post while the subject is fresh in my mind.
Yesterday... Cheryl came to Kenosha! ( Du DUMMM mmmmmm!) Imagine Dramatic Theme Music here.
What did she do? What was her purpose? Was there a Run in Kenosha? What possible reason could she have to visiting such a place.
Ah yes... These questions are key to the topic at hand. I have asked these questions myself. Why would she possibly come to Kenosha if there was no race to be run here? The Answer... Apartment Hunting!
Apartments? For who? Another question I have asked of myself and anyone who would listen..... Including the random stranger on the road. Turns out, Cheryl is interested in this area for some reason. But let us begin at the beginning:
Once upon a time, about a billion years ago... the Earth was a Molten Mass...
Wait! Not that beginning... How about starting yesterday.
Cheryl traveled to Kenosha Wisconsin and arrived late last night. I greeted her and we had some Panda Express while discussing our future together. You see, I had been informed about an apartment possibility that was near to my job and checked off a number of boxes that would have been suitable for a possible new home. I informed Cheryl that I had toured the place that thought it may be a good idea if She go to see it as well. Just in case she ever wanted to join me in Kenosha. Wisconsin.
So.. She drove 5 hours after work to see what all the excitement over apartments was all about. I secretly wanted to try to sell her on the idea of moving to Kenosha. I had an entire itinerary planned. All these things to do and places to visit that would seduce her into joining me along the coast of Lake Michigan.
You see... Cheryl is a writer in Iowa.
Confused? Let me bridge the gap a little. She recently got a job working at the local Kalona Newspaper writing stories for the paper. She loves it. And is not eager to abandon a job she just got and really, really loves.
This is where my warm charm and sexy appeal comes into play. By making this area seem so much better than Wellman, Iowa; AND by showing her the sights, sounds, tastes, and textures of the Great Lake of Michigan... Wisconsin Side! I would slowly and methodically seduce her into believing that this area is worth more than a job that pays slightly more than the previous Pearson gigs we survived on for the last 12 years. I figured the plan was fool proof!
But then again, we are talking about Cheryl here. (And me!) And her dedication to things she loves can be tenacious. I definitely had my work cut out for myself.
First. Appeal to her desire to run. By hitting her where her passions run deep, I can undermine her desire to write by appealing to her desire to run. We toured the Petrified Springs park running trails. She ran three loops around the place while I scrawled words of encouragement on the bike path.
I even added a cute dog emoji to pull at her heart strings for all things Kawaii! It was a tactic to use her own passions to conflict with each other. I believe the opening salvo was a success.
Next.... Show her the apartments! We were able to self tour the apartments by ourselves. No sales lady this time. By the time we got to the single bedroom apartment.. Furnished showroom... I believe she was hooked!
She was very excited about the possibility of living in such a spacious, modern apartment with actual appliances, dishwasher, private laundry, two swimming pools and a gym that I hardly had to say anything.
We then moved on to the beach. Yes, Lake Michigan was another selling point after 12 years of being land locked in Iowa. The Mississippi river will never compare to the big water of the Great Lakes. Tapping into that nostalgia, I believe was also successful.
And then there was the shopping. And all of the Unique places that Kenosha Wisconsin has to offer.
We toured the Italian Shopping marts, Cheese Factories,
and even the local Meijers!
With all the new local shops that are very different from the Amish Bakeries of Iowa, I
believe another blow has been dealt to her "Writer's Fortress" that she had built up around herself.
So what now? Will she give up her writing career in Kalona for a possible future in Kenosha? Will I be able to secure the Apartment that she finds appealing? Will Cheryl and Ethan ever be together again?
Who knows? I certainly don't.
But I'm trying my best to write this story with a happy ending. And we will all have to stay tuned as the story unfolds. Including me! ( and I'm the supposed Author!)
That is not entirely true. I believe that there are many things in my life that I can not control. And although blogging about things may sound like I control the narrative, that is simply a fantasy. But I don't want to stray off topic too far. Those deeper subjects will be explored on another day. For now, Let's just call this a successful mission to get Cheryl to Wisconsin. And I think she rather enjoyed it.
Of course, if she ever finds out about our little caper to influence her, she may be inclined to change her mind and express feelings of regret for being manipulated. Even if the intentions were purely selfless. So.. Don't tell her our little secret. Shushhhhh!
Thanks for stopping in.
I'm very familiar with Kenosha as I lived just outside of it. Nice area, we used to hike/bike/and run all of the Pet Trails and I still hike them when I visit K-town.
:) Talk about a blast from the past!
I used to waitress at the Brat Stop.
Hope it all works out. Kenosha is a pretty neat place.
Looks like a great apartment and I hope Cheryl liked it too! Lots of things to consider with a move:)
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