Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Hen of the Woods!

I went out for some forest therapy and stumbled upon a couple of people who were out hunting mushrooms... What are the Odds?   They told me they had never met anyone else looking for mushrooms in the woods either... so we had a good long chat.   They old me they had been finding Hen of the Woods... Miatake!   Then... they showed me what they found!   

Several HUGE clusters of Hens.   They offered me a section of one and I happily accepted!   I could hardly wait to get back to the house.  

I didn't find much else in the way of edible mushrooms.  I found a couple meadows and a small cluster of Turkey tail.    As luck would have it,  Dave was prepping a spaghetti pasta dish for us.   He happened to mention of I found any mushrooms, to bring them home and we would add them into the mix.   Little did we know we would have a huge, Awesome edible mushroom to work with. 

It was awesome!  Fresh and clean, I don't think we could have asked for a better specimen if it had come from the store! Dave fried it up and added a little seasoning and then we dumped it into the sauce.  Wonderful!  

I also wanted to talk about  the other things we managed to squeeze in last weekend.  We both ran  at the Trueblood  trail while it rained.  I luckily had finished my laps before the rain really began to pour.  Cheryl managed to get caught out in the down pour.   

I also wanted to show off the cats as they helped up pack things up. This pic is not staged!  I think Rocket is trying to convince Hiro to get wrapped up in one of the boxes.  

The week is half over!  And I managed to get in a couple blog posts...  Not too bad.  Dave's Parents are planning a visit tomorrow, so there will be lots of activity here the rest of the week. I might not have another opportunity to post.... But we shall see.   Hope everyone is having a great week so far and thanks for stopping in.


Val Ewing said...

Nice hen of the woods! Wow! I should go out and check the trees out back that had them last year.
It has been dry though here all week....

Looks like you have been busy!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like the cats are great help with packing and scouting out empty boxes! Nice mushroom!

L. D. said...

We had a small dog that always jumped up into the van's seat if the door was open because he didn't ant to be left behind. Cats are thinking that too.


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