And I did not blog at all about the weekend! Probably because I left my computer here in Kenosha. Also.. there was not much to blog about in Iowa. ( That has not already been blogged about hundreds of times before...) So... here I am on a normal, every day Tuesday.... Blogging about pretty much nothing spectacular. But, I miss the blog, so why not just mention the small things.
Iowa! Yes, I went to Iowa to help Cheryl tear the apartment down a little more. I took a few things off the walls that she was having trouble with.
She pretty mush has most of the holes patched up and ready for paint. And all of those wall treatments are now a thing of the past. We put most of the big stuff in the shed to await our final decision on what will become of it.... Sale? Stuff?
Firewood? Who knows at this point. All I know is it is out of the apartment.
There is not much to do in Iowa on a weekend. We went running.. And traveled to Muscatine for the Farmer's market on Saturday. I got to pet the cats and hang out with all of them except Fluffy. Perhaps he will show up this next weekend.
The biggest event was on the trip home. It began raining as the sun set and pretty much stormed the entire night. There were flood watches and the temps dropped significantly. I was able to park in the driveway because Dave was in Oregon. It was a good thing too, because I would have been soaked just trying to get into the house! It was pouring buckets outside!
Aside from work, I have been staying home and exercising to pass the time. I ran three miles today! ( yeah!) And it was a good thing too.. Because....
Christina whipped up some Mushroom Chili! Was it by design? I don't think so... Christina is a rather "Creative" person who makes things up on the fly. I can relate to her line of reasoning when it comes to cooking: Taste, add more stuff... taste, add more stuff... Rinse and repeat until either you have a masterpiece or you have ruined the dish and made it unpalatable for everyone but the dog! ( and even the dog will turn up an indignant nose sometimes.) It is the artist's process I guess. And with two very willing and hungry consumers to experiment on, Dave and I provide her the opportunity to sharpen her "cooking creativity."
But I have to say, this Chili turned out AWESOME! I think it was started out as soup... then became stew... I don't think it was planned as Chili.
But it certainly tastes like really really GOOD Chili! And it has all of the old Chicken of the Woods mushrooms that have been getting old in the fridge for the past week. She tossed them into the mix and honestly, they taste like little meat chunks. you would never know it was mushroom.
I also gave here the dozen Morel mushrooms I have had since this last spring. They were dried and I had hoped Cheryl would bake up a Mushroom Torte or Chiche. But things changed and I had the mushrooms for way too long. I gave them to Christina and told her to use them how she saw fit. She tossed them into the Chili for added flavor.
Well it was a good thing I went out for a run. That way I was able to eat a second helping guilt free! I may pay for it tomorrow, but it was not as dangerously spicy as other chilies I have had in the past.
Tomorrow is Wednesday! Hump day.. If all goes well, I will be heading back to Iowa to visit some traveling In-Laws. And Cheryl, of course! And maybe we will be able to do something fun. Who knows? I'm sure we will have something to blog about at the very least. Thanks for stopping in for this rather boring post. But at least I had the energy to write something tonight. Cheers!
The apartment sure looks different right now!
Sounds like you guys are getting ready to move?
I have to agree that there generally is always something to do in Kenosha. Enjoy your week.
Hope the move goes well for you both. Isn't is amazing how much stuff we have!
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