Monday, March 16, 2020

And Then They Closed The Trueblood Park...

Running in Shorts again! 
Before we knew they closed the
Cheryl and I went out for a run/bike this morning.  Little did we know that they had closed the park!   Well,  there were no signs visible. ( yet!)   And it was a very nice day..  Cheryl even wore shorts.  ( 34 degrees with no wind.. not bad.)

It's not only happening in Italy....
We rolled the dice and shot into HyVee before the close every single store in Iowa.   I needed a few things ( contact solution,  sweetener, cat food... )  We avoided the Toilet paper because...  we did not want to get stabbed or trampled.  I also noted that the water, Pasta and other simple "ready to eat" foods were seriously hit.   What are they going to do when they quarantine is over and they have a life times supply of pasta and toilet paper?
I was prepared for this! 

Common sense is
hard to come by
Personally,  I was hoping for a Zombie apocalypse.    I had a plan when the undead horde stormed our small town.  And Zombies are far easier to spot from a distance.    Easy to either pick them off with a rifle,  or, if within close range,  Baseball bat!   I have watched enough movies and read enough books to know what to do and what NOT to do.

I have been trying to avoid crowds
my entire life! 
But viruses are a little different.  Invisible to the naked eye,  you have to assume they are everywhere and everyone is infected.  Similar to Zombie apocalypse:  #1 Strategy  is to AVOID LARGE CROWDS.    It appears our civilization at least is making it easy to follow that one. Everything is closed!  So there really is no point in going outside anyway...  Unless you enjoy biking and running by yourself. ( Which we do.)

Despite the rules,  we run anyway!
Cheryl finished 7 miles... and no
one arrested us. 
I doubt Cheryl and I will get arrested for trespassing in the Terry Trueblood Park.   Biking and running during an epidemic doesn't sound like a Federal Offence to me.   And getting Americans to agree on anything is like rounding up a bunch of cats.  ( I'm actually proud of that idea...)  We are a free people..  for better or worse.   Outlawing Church services because they are larger than 50 people seems a little unconstitutional at first glance.   But I doubt many Churches tried to push the issue only to infect everyone in their parish,"Just to prove a point."
Origami Zinnia. 
Origami flying goose. 

Well,  at least I have Origami to fall back on.    I have been folding a little here and there to pass the time.   It is good to have hobbies to fall back on.

Time to lower the number. 
Pears are cute.   I am not. 
And it is a great time to start a diet.  I have been packing on the pound ever since Christmas!   And with Work and other stresses,  the weight gain seemed to never end.   I had considered taking a "before" picture to help motivate me, however...  I did not really want to scare the three or four readers of this blog away with my Bulbous Body.  And.... I currently have "other things" to be motivated by.

And I love saving money! 
First,  By eating less food,  we will not blow through the supplies as fast.  By eating NO food, I will save all kinds of money... and Saving money is a very big deal to me.

If only you could out run a virus...
Second,  By eating less food,  I will require less toilet paper!  HaHA!   Take that all you  Panic Stricken Hoarders!  So not only do I consume fewer supplies,  spend less money, and use less toilet paper....I will eventually lose all this chub and look and feel much better!   So when the Zombie Apocalypse DOES happen.. I will be able to outrun the hordes and the people who are carrying all that toilet paper. It's a Win, Win Win, WIN!   Cause I'm a winner.
Like steak and shrimp and MUSHROOMS! 

Thanks for stopping in.   Stay safe!  Avoid crowds.  And remember:  There are other foods out there that are NOT pasta!

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

That Goose is beautiful as is the flower...nice work! Good that you could run anyway without getting arrested! Nice plan on the diet. It is too cold up here yet to diet we need fat to survive the rest of the dreary cold winter! Stay well! I have been resisting baking:)


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