Sunday, June 19, 2011

Origami Weekwend, Cat, New Eagle, Frog, and Giraffe.

My latest projects! I have a few requests from some people at work, so tonight I will have to make a few "repeats". I'm kind of liking this latest eagle. He has a better pose than the last one. And the cat I think I can make better. I've been working on a Rhino and he is coming along nicely. He's almost to the point where I can use my "artistic magic" on him to give his a little more expression. I also found the limits to Tyvek as a material. IT is rather durable, which is good! But that means that it is also rather thick. Making extreme designs a challenge, such as this frog and many insects that I have been doing. Regardless, I did do a butterfly that turned out pretty good last week. Bummer I didn't get a picture of it before taking it to work. Hope everyone has a great week!

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