Ice on the driveway. |
And parking lot. |
What a crazy week this has been! After our little thaw last weekend, the weather decided to go crazy on us. Did the temps drop? Yes! Did it snow? Yes! Did it rain? Yes!
Cheryl wants to run anyway |
And THEN it snowed again with more temps plummeting. It made for a thick candy coating all over the sidewalks, roads, driveway, and lawns. The "snow" is technically a heavy layer of Ice that can support my weight. ( Which is saying a LOT!) So even walking on the lawn can be difficult and dangerous! Our driveway and parking area are more like skating rinks rather than gravel. And with us living on a slight incline, we literally skate towards the Subaru.
Snow begins to fall.... On the Ice! |
Despite this, Cheryl wanted to go out and run. With our project projected to end mid week, we still only have the weekends to fit in our training runs. And with the weather not cooperating, we have had to make do with what we can. So yesterday we went out.
The sidewalk was covered in Ice, but it was cold. You tend to stick to ice in the single digits. We surprisingly made it 8 miles with no problems! The Sun was out and just started to melt some of the ice as we were finished up.... and that is when we fell.
So far...So good. |
First me, then Cheryl. My bike was not happy the entire run. The brakes, headset, and gears were all froze up. Not to mention the chain was iced up and covered in rust from the heavy salt they apply. It was a challenge for me, so when I finally slipped and fell over, it was no big surprise.
And then... Disaster! |
But then Cheryl slipped and fell. We decided to avoid that area and stick to the area where we had success.
The snow hides the Slippery spots. |
Today! Temps in the 20's made for it to be even MORE slippery. I said we run until either one of us falls. Cheryl thought I was going to fall on purpose, but less than a mile down the road... she slips and falls. Does she have Ice Shoes? Yes! Was she running slow? Yes! Was she being careful? YES! Did this make a difference? Uh...No. Looks like this run will be cut short.
Don' let the smile fool you,
She is not happy. |
Cheryl is bummed because the big runs are approaching and she has found it impossible to train effectively. Either work, or weather have managed to bungle things up for her. I guess you go to war with the army you have... Meaning she may have to accept slower times on these runs rather than aiming for new PR's.
At least the Eagles seem to like it. |
Eagles above us. |
Other than that, there are still Eagles dodging the Icebergs that are floating down the river. Yesterday, I found what they have been eating. Small Shad! One was frozen on the sidewalk directly below where the eagles like to hang out.

Also, On the way home today, we watched an Eagle chasing a squirrel in a field. I don't think he caught it, but I have always wondered if the eagles pick off a squirrel or rabbit from time to time. I guess that proves that rodents are on the menu as well.
Lion's Mane! See the Hair-like
structures? |
Smaller and more tender than the
last ones. |
My Lion's Mane has fruited again! A smaller sized mushroom, but I'm impressed that it gave me another one so quickly. I enjoyed some of it with some eggs last night. This one is a little more tender than the last group. Possibly because I harvested it earlier. It at least took on the tell tale hair like structures that are the Lion's Mane's Characteristics. ( Kind of look like icicles.)
Snow and Ice equals BAD running
day. |
Other than that, we have been trying to rest up for our final push towards the end of Project at Pearson. We finally got the Internet back up so I can blog a bit, and perhaps I will try to blog more in the coming days. For now, I'm going to try not to break my neck on the ice and snow.
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