A restful day where nothing really happened. But... I feel like I have not blogged since last week, so I have to add something! So let's recount the molehills and try to make some mountains. Even if it is impossible/
To start, I got to sleep in this morning. That was nice.
Dave told me of a Moving gig that was scheduled to happen at one of the churches/schools in Kenosha. ( I think Kenosha has 4 Lutheran Schools/ churches? I have now been to three of them. 4 if you could the high school as one. OK.. maybe five? There are a LOT of Lutherans in Wisconsin. We even have Wisconsin in the WELS title!
Back to the Moving story. ( Are you "moved" yet?) Since I LOVE moving things, I volunteered my services. I arrive about 15 minutes prior to the time that I was told it would happen. Because... Last time we arrived "on time", the job was already done and all that we had to do was eat donuts. I did not want to repeat that "mistake." So.. I arrived early.
There was no moving van.. Only a sign saying that there was a craft fair/bake sale from 10 -2 today. I went inside and no one had any idea there was anything that had to be moved. All they knew was that they were setting up the craft/bake sale. And that was already done. so... I waited.
And waited.
And waited a little longer.
People showed up... bought stuff, and left. But no moving van or truck appeared. So.. I did the only obvious thing to do.... I paid $5 and enjoyed lunch there. Beef soup and BBQ sandwich with chips and drink... What a bargain! They even had coffee and cake! The ladies were nice and I chatted with a few of them. But after a while, I figured this task of manual labor was never going to happen.
Finally, One of the other Pastors showed up and informed me that the stuff was moved yesterday by the kids. Ah well.... I obviously could not show up THAT early. But I did get a good lunch out of it and got to visit one of the other Lutheran facilities. And got to chat with a few new people while I waited around. So... It was not an entirely disappointing experience.
Next, While doing laundry the other day, I discovered that I only had one work sock that did not have a hole in the toe area. Perhaps it was time to buy more socks. I headed out to Goodwill,
because I saw that they had a bunch of new socks for a reasonable price near the check out area. But apparently, they have all been replaced with Winter garb.... and that is not what I was looking for.
I checked out a nearby Kohl's, But their prices and selection seemed lacking. $20 for 6 pair of socks... athletic! I only needed work socks. And that price seemed a little high for me. (Judge my frugality if you must.... I will not be shamed for bargain hunting!)
I found what I was looking for at Walmart. And although I do not particularly enjoy shopping there, I do find some pretty good deals there from time to time.
Example: 12 pairs of socks for $10! And I was able to check myself out... So it was an in and out situation.
Other than that, I went out for a run in the cold and spent the rest of the evening folding paper. I have been tasked with folding Christmas Ornaments for Cheryl's Newspaper Christmas tree. I have set a goal of folding at least 3 items a night. I could fold more, but the origami is to be folded out of newspaper. Which is not the best paper for folding. So... Glue has to be involved. And that takes time.
So far, I think I have a nice selection of some pretty good models. I may attempt more complicated ones later. We shall see.
Well, that is all. Boring? Yes, I know... But what can I say? Sometimes peaceful boring days are a welcome distraction from the normal. And I felt I could use the peace and quiet after last week. Time seems to move so much faster now. I will have to do better in finding time to write. In the mean time, I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. And thanks for stopping in.
Not really boring. Socks are a must! I had to wear black socks for so many years that I became accustom to them and now only buy black socks....unless they are wool socks for hiking.
My white socks always ended up with mud stains from adventures in creeks and mud.
Origami Newspaper Christmas ornaments? Wow, that is unique!
You could do worse...at least lunch was good:) My husband buys those same socks from Wally world:)
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