How could I forget about this? |
With the all of the Ant Invasions, Winter Mushrooms and Dead Deer pictures, it totally slipped my mind that Cheryl is running underground this weekend! The groundhog run is tomorrow, and we are currently in Kansas city on the Kansas side. Surprise!
Kansas City here I come. It's a song! |
What is there to say about the trip? Well, it was uneventful. And that is usually a good thing. No freak weather, traffic delays, or natural disasters to speak of. Cheryl even commented about how I kept my cool the entire ride here. (I guess that is a big deal or something.) We did not make the Packet pickup for the run, but decided that picking it up tomorrow would be easier.
And having done this run once before, we are familiar with the process and know what to expect.
Ah the Memories. 2015 let's repeat! |
It has been several years since Cheryl first ran this. She is a little concerned about her injury and her recent recovery from the flu bug. But the idea is to get back in the saddle and have some fun. She missed this race back in 2016 because of an injury. And last year it conflicted with the IceBreaker run. So what better time to revisit familiar territory.
Leave your gun at home though. |
Our hotel is right next to the Mall. So we decided to stretch our legs a bit and see what Kansas malls look like. I'm reminded that Kansas is part of the west. And the Western folks still do things here that many of us only read about in history books. I like it.
Open Air Mall in Kansas. |
Rilakkuma Overload. |
My guess is that the evolution of the "Mall" is that Malls of the future will be open air walkways with stores facing the center. This is great on pleasant days, (like today) but can be a little inconvenient when it rains or snows or is ridiculously hot outside. Still, I enjoy the fresh air and open sky. It is much lest claustrophobic.
Almost as good as a mascot. |
Waffles. A southern tradition. |
Cheryl found a book store with all her favorite temptations available. I was impressed we did not have to buy any of them.
Cheryl finds the RIGHT maple syrup. |
I smother mine with a local Beer. |
So now we are back in our room, waiting for tomorrow's run. I purchases some Local beer (brewed here in Kansas City.) that I have a fondness for. I particularly like the Boulevard Wheat Beer. Very smooth and yeasty. (No! I did not pour any on my waffles. That would be weird.)
Not bad. Whole Grain and Hoppy! |
I'll finish with a small footnote: We had to go to Target
three times today... getting me a new mouse for my computer. I simply
hate myself sometimes because I'm so frustratingly frugal. First we go there and buy nothing. ( yeah!) Then we find out my mouse is not working. I blame the battery. Battery run finished. (yeah again! But we spent money.)
Mouse Breakage. If only I was responsible. |
Then I discover that the battery was
not the issue. The mouse simply will not work. I try everything short of
hitting it with a hammer. So... Back to Target or a
third time. I barely manage to keep my cool... but at least I was able to blog before the race. And that means a lot.
Hope the cool weather and sunshine will continue. And that Cheryl has a good run. And by "good" I mean FUN! We can't wait.