Cheryl's Mom and Dad came over for a Visit this weekend. Traveling from Michigan is a "once a Year" affair, so we tried to make the most of things. Cheryl had the entire visit planned out! With A few moments of "Spontaneity" in the vent we found something that was off the beaten path. So we packed up the Gang in their Subie... and headed to Pella.
Cheryl comes from a long line of overly proud Dutch people.... On her Mom's Side of the Family. Yes, The Winters Side of the family enjoys being Dutch. ( I can understand a little pride in your Genetic soup called "heritage".) I enjoy being "Swedish" even if I know nothing about the culture, nor do I speak the language. Perhaps it is the Romance of the unknown that we take pride in. Who knows? Bottom line, Iowa has Dutch People and Dutch Stuff! And we were going there for some Dutch Culture!
I like Pella. Especially during the Tulip time, but it was fun visiting during the Summer a few years ago. There were Old Cars and a fun crowd of folks having a good time. I also enjoy the Windmills, Glockenspiel. ( even though we missed the show by 5 minutes...)
And the Shops. I think Cheryl's Mom enjoyed the event as well. The Women went into the cute shops while the Guys talked "Guy Stuff" ( War, cars, politics, etc...) Overall, it was fun.

We stopped into a place to have a bite of "Dutch Food". Something Pella is not immediately obvious for. The several times Cheryl and I have been here, we could not find a restaurant to visit that was not a chain or "convenience store food." But Cheryl did a search and found this place that bragged having the "Tulip Burger.
Complete with Gouda Cheese, and Bologna slice on top of a burger.. with all the fixings. Including an Egg! Of course I had to get that... for science and research into the mind of the Dutch People. I was a little surprised that the Folks did not feel equally as adventurous. Then again, they may have known something I did not! ( Like don't eat the experimental Dutch Food!)
But it was good. Similar to a "Garbage Grinder" burger we had in Alaska all those years ago. Overall, I would visit again and try something new on the menu. (Like the "Dutch Mess!" Mashed potatoes, boiled eggs, bacon, and leaf lettuce. It sounds similar to The Dandelion Green Salad I have been eating all Spring! Without the Vinegar or Dandelion greens.)
We then headed to The Red Rock lake for a bit of a walk and nature watching. Nice trails, and we even located a few Golden Oyster Mushrooms that were still fresh. Unfortunately, they were too tall in the tree, and we had nothing to carry them in. Perhaps later we will return with the bikes and some proper Mushroom hunting equipment.
Cheryl and Mom went to the shore while me and the "Old Man" hung out on the benches. The weather was overcast, but heated up quick enough when the sun peaked through. The humidity was enough to overheat you if you exerted yourself too much. Best to conserve energy while you could.
By the time we got back home, the parents were wiped out! ( Cheryl's plan had succeeded!) we ate a couple of Hotdogs with all the fixin's and exchanged some parting gifts. All while exchanging stories and news and other chit chat about the moments we have been apart. In all, Playing catch up with conversation and coffee was just the thing. ( I would have offered beer, but they both looked very tired. And the Coffee was Decaffeinated already!)

They left this morning, and are probably in Michigan now as I write this. Cheryl and I are taking a much needed break, from Baking, chalking, soap making. ( Ok, Cheryl is currently making some soap. And I just finished making some chalk sticks with a new mold. But I assure you, we are doing it in the most relaxed and casual way. )
Next week in the Upcoming 4th of July Celebration! We have plans for racing and farmer's Market Research. I normally do not wear my Patriotism on my sleeve, but this year, I really want to go all out. Maybe because I don't hate America, as everyone in the news would have you believe. By the Way, It appears very FEW people in Iowa dislike America either.
So what better time to Show our Stars and Stripes! And eat Hotdogs and Run Marathons. ( or half marathons...) Also, with all the rain that has been being dumped on us, we will have to set aside a few days for foraging. OUr Neighbors blessed us with some Black Raspberries already! And tell us the Kewash trail has many more ready for the pickin'!
Mushrooms are coming out as well, but I will have to save that for a different blog post, as this one is getting too long already. Hope everyone is having great weekend so far. And We hope the Folks enjoyed their trip to Pella and Iowa. I'm sure it will make Michigan feel like home again when they get back. Thanks for stopping in.