Thursday, December 26, 2019

Shorts, Fossils, and Fish! And Tom And Jerry's!

Christmas is kind of dull if you have no friends or family to spend it with.  So what do you do on the only day a year where the stores are all closed and there is nothing to do?

Well,  Go for a run!   And then a hike. 

We ran in Muscatine for a change of Scenery.   And it was fun.   Even without Tee's.   The stores were packed with last minute Christmas Eve Shoppers.   I have never seen the Muscatine WalMart so packed!   There was a line waiting for Parking Spaces!  We were very happy NOT to have to go in there.

But on Christmas day,  Cheryl was feeling a little tired after running 20 miles over 2 days.  You see,  the nicer weather allows her to wear shorts.. In December!  And that motivates her to run longer.  But eventually the miles add up and the old body requires a rest day.   But she still wanted to go outside in the (Almost 60 degrees!)  Pleasant weather.   So... a little bit of woodland exploration.

We happened onto the Dam near Coralville.   We have never really explored certain places outside any mushroom areas.   We heard that there were fossils on the lower section of the dam.   We checked it out. 

Mostly small shells and corals.  A few things that might have been fish at one time... or at least something that looked like them.   We walked and hiked a bit.  I actually think my pictures turned out better than when I was actually staring at them.    A nice way to waste/spend an hour in the great outdoors. 

There were also HUGE schools of Shad near one of the small ponds on the downstream side of the dam.   You can bet there were lots of Eagles there as well.  The Shad were so thick, I doubt it was even a challenge to catch them.


The shore was lined with half eaten ones from Raccoons, opossums, or other birds. I have not seen this many fish that were not either in a hatchery or spawning somehow.   I am not that familiar with Shad as maybe Bluegills or Trout and Salmon.   But maybe they spawn this time of year just like Smelt in Michigan.  Who knows?

But it was a nice way to spend the Afternoon.   Other than that... Dud!  Lay around and eat and drink stuff.  Typical American Holiday I guess.   Oh!  But I did discover that the Muscatine HyVee had Tom and Jerry Batter!   For those outside of Minnesota,  Tom and Jerry batter is a mixture that you add some hot water and spirits and enjoy it on a cold day.   Granted,  it has not been very cold.. but it IS a holiday.   And Tom and Jerry's can also be used to celebrate any festive day.   So yummy. 

Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Day.  I don't mind Green Christmas.......  No matter what Spoiled Swedish Children have to say.  Green Christmas does not come around very often.. Even in Iowa.   We even had one or Two in Michigan years ago...  Before Global warming and Gretta.   (I hear she is the new Face of Climate Change... Move over Al Gore!)   Enjoy the warm weather while you can. It will not last forever...  It never does.   Thanks for stopping in.

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