Monday, December 16, 2019

The Weekend Stocking Wrap Up. 40 Stockings!

Not bad for the last three days of the Stockings season. ( Officially)  I picked a number that would be high enough to satisfy our need for money and justify our refusal of a Peason job...  Yet low enough to not completely kill us after a weekend of running in the cold.  40 was my number...  30 was Cheryl's.   Perhaps I convinced her to change her mind and add 10 more to her number...  Because,  You may not believe this, but Cheryl controls the universe with her mind.  ( Really!)

So 40 stockings takes pretty much the entire day.  Currently, it is just after 7:15 PM and we did not run or bike this morning.   This is pretty much the reason why we have the "30 stocking cut off" rule.

Mostly cats and rabbits today.. Which is fortunate!   Cats are easier than dogs.  ( More easy?  Proper English I should know...)     But we still had a few dogs to sew up.   Even then,  at least one Corgi.   And many of the easier ones. 

There are many other things to blog about, but I'm really tired and I'm sure I would say nothing entertaining or witty.  ( And use English improperly)   So...  40 stockings.  Possibly a few tomorrow to mop up the season.  Maybe... just maybe, I will have the time and energy to actually put up the Christmas tree.  We shall see.

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