Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Autumn Days With Kids And Chalk.

I wanted to post a quick entry on the middle of the week in Wellman, Iowa.   The weather has been so nice, it almost feels like we are in a different state!  I believe the temps are in the mid 60's by the afternoon, starting in the low 50's in the morning.  Cool breeze, low humidity.  Perfect biking weather.  

And perfect weather for chalking in the park.  After a week of rain,  the sidewalks are mostly clear and I can begin chalking again!  But there is a catch!   Stockings are also kicking off and now, I have to work in sewing up stockings in with cycling/ running/ and chalk drawing during the day.   

With only about 12 stockings a day, it has not been too hard to balance out the time.  But add in the additional variable of SCHOOL!!!!  And now I have to deal with kids either coming home from school or playing in the park as I draw something.  

It is OK, though.  I have managed to enslave some of them to do my bidding!   Muhahaha!   (Or they have enslaved me..... which is kind of bad.) I set upon directing them to fill in the colors while I doodle away.  Sometimes it actually works!  Sometimes not so much. 

After three days of dealing with three different groups of kids,  I finally just handed them the chalk and let them go to town.   It is a little rough around the edges, but I think they did pretty good.   We finished up the Disney Winnie the Pooh, scene. and jumped into Dinosaurs.   Previously, I worked on Space Cats.   I have to wkr too had to try to connect all of them into a single underlying theme, so I won't even try.  Kids are Kids and they are all over the place when it comes to what they want to draw.  

Other than that,   Stockings are picking up.   Cheryl has another set of races this weekend, and It is supposed to rain on Sunday.   Now it is time to sit back and enjoy a cold Schells Beer that we picked up in Des Moines.  The Schells Oktoberfest is AWESOME.  Fruity, slightly hoppy,  it is where Summer ends and  Fall begins.  Thanks for stopping in.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Winnie the Pooh and friends is so colorful! Well done keeping the kids busy:)

Val Ewing said...

Great job! I think the warm weather will be ending soon, but cooler weather makes for great running right?
Your drawings are so incredible.

L. D. said...

Wonderful chalk creations. It is getting too cold for this but it is fun. Naps are such a good things, people and cats.


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