Monday, October 4, 2021

Poison Ivy Strikes again!

 Cheryl and I have been battling  a minor case of Poison ivy over the last few days.  I did not blog about it because, quite frankly, I have no idea where it came from!  Both Cheryl and I have it on our FACE!  Yes!  How?   Why there? I have no idea!  But it itches, and I had thought it was just razor burn or some rash from something I ate.   Cheryl thought she was having some food allergy as well.   Or a NEW global pandemic from the CCP...  

But eventually, I suggested that it feels, and behaves like poison ivy.   Upon suggesting that, Cheryl showed me that the rash on her face also matched, behaved and itched just like the rash on her hand and arm. And THAT looks just like the poison ivy we all know and hate.  

So that leaves the question:  Where did we get it?  The last time we were in the woods was about a week and a half ago.  And I was careful to avoid leaving the trail or jumping into unknown brush.  I do remember vaguely getting hit in the face ( that side, coincidentally) by a tree branch while on my bike.   I don't remember how long ago that was though.  

Useless Detergent.

It is also possible that we got some one our clothes.  And the oil from Poison Ivy, somehow touched out pillows that we sleep on.   Cheryl usually washes the pillow cases every week, so you would think that the soap  would dissolve it in the wash.  Then again, Cheryl uses that "Save The Planet" detergent that is most likely USELESS at getting clothes clean.  And Poison Ivy Oil off your Pillow!

At the very least,  the rash is minor.   I don't have the blisters or seeping that comes with major cases.   It is just red and itches.   Cheryl has blisters and swelling on her wrist and arm, but so far,  no pussy ooze.   ( So disgusting!)   Poison ivy is  the Devil, and should all be wiped off the face of the planet.   And anyone who thinks Mother Earth is benevolent, think again.  

By the way,  When looking for Poison Ivy rashes,  this Halloween makeup kit actually looks LESS disgusting that the real thing. 


Jon said...

I've never encountered poison ivy (yet) and hope I never do. In my profound innocence, I don't even know what it looks like.
I hope you and Cheryl get better very soon - - - but if you still have it on Halloween, you'll be able to go trick-or-treating.

Val Ewing said...

Jewel weed soap is very helpful for Poison Ivy. Just dab it on and let it dry. However that said, I'm sure you don't have any.
I have a strange family resistance to PI. My brother sees it and his skin gets it. I walk through it and have plucked it by its woody stems to show others what it is...and never had a reaction. However, I may be so lucky as to not ever encountered the oils.
Nasty stuff. Hope you recover quickly.

It should start turning red but you probably know that. And I'm sure you know what it looks like. I wonder how on earth you contacted it?

At least you have it together?

Far Side of Fifty said...

Not the dreaded PI yes the oil can stay on fabric a really long time...or maybe the cats brought it to you. You should find some it grows along lake shores...yellow or orange flower...square stem...slit open the stem and put the sap on the ivy, it works great for the itch that nearly drives you crazy!


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