Sunday, January 23, 2022

Cold Days....

Cheryl and I have been doing very little other than running, walking, and sleeping.   It is simply too cold to do anything meaningful outside.  ( Good thing I'm not a Farmer... The Cows would starve!)   We ran 7 miles the last couple of days, and 4 miles this morning.   After a brief rest, we head to the YMCA for some walking laps each afternoon.   It takes about an hour.

The temps have been in the single digits for three days straight!  And negatives are back!  Add in wind chills when the temps are slightly above zero, and the result is still the same:  Negative numbers and cold!   But we manage to do the normal training run.   That has to mean something.

Rocket and Leo snuggle...
There is snow predicted for tomorrow.  There was a dusting of snow a few days ago, but luckily, it did not amount to much.  With a little more luck, the same might be true for this wave.   And the temps are supposed to be warmer as well. ( 30's I think)   with a bit of a wind, so... still cold!
Rocket, Leo, & Hiro Snuggle with Haru on the floor.

You don't need a weather man to know it is cold outside, just look at the cats!   Especially the outdoor ones.   Yesterday,  Leo ( the puffy one) stayed inside all day!  (And that is saying something!   Since he does not mind the cold with that long fur coat of his. ) 

Haru came inside earlier than normal,  showing up during daylight hours.   And when they were finally all inside,  all four of them cuddled up together on the couch!   That means is it too cold for them.... and that means it is too cold for me.

Best weathermen in the biz!

Hope everyone is staying warm.   There really is not much to blog about, but I feel odd taking so many days off.   I figured I would just check in for the cat pics.   Time to make a warm cup of Chicken Bouillon.  Thanks for stopping in.  243.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

cold here too, iI feel like your cats , curl up on a couch and sleep until it warms up or food is ready:)


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