The last (And ONLY!) time I ever went to a professional Base Ball Game was back in the 90's. When Cheryl had free tickets through her insurance job.
It was to see the Whitecaps and the "seats" were on the grassy knoll back in left field. I don't recall staying for the entire game, but it was certainly an experience. One that I had very little motivation to ever repeat again.
But two days ago, Tom got tickets to the Local Minor League Team: The Kingfish! And invited Dave and me to join him.... Behind Home Plate!
WOW! What a difference a good seat makes! You could see the pitching and watch the players as they battled for runs in the sun. I'm not sure how Tom negotiated the seats, but there was a table and menus with handy dandy helpers to cater to our food and beverage needs. Since we were at a Ball Game... It only felt right that we should order a beer.
Judging from last time at the Concert, I assumed the cost of the food and beverages were going to be HUGE! So I kept my ordering to a minimum. I was just grateful to be there in the first place as it was. Tom offered to buy everyone a round and I had intended to pay him back for his hospitality.
Turns out, All of the food and drinks were FREE! Good thing I did not know that from the beginning, or else I might have taken full advantage of the Ball Park Staples of unhealthy Comfort foods! Not only because hotdogs and hamburgers are extra delicious at the Ball Park.... But also because I find free food IRRESISTIBLE!
Dave joined us around inning three. He had pastor stuff to do.. ( Being a Pastor has its responsibilities...) and by then, the Kingfish had a fairly sizeable lead over their opponents. They were taking on the Battle Creek Battle Jacks.
Not really knowing each of the competitors, I felt it would be standard protocol to cheer for the Home Team. By the time we left, ( Around inning 7, I believe.) The Kingfish had a commanding lead over the Jacks. I think it was safe to assume the home team would carry the day.
While enjoying out beverage and chatting about things other than Baseball, there were a number of events that happened between the innings.
A kid run, toilet race, a Mascot Zip Line, a T-Shirt toss, and a cheese throw. Dave managed to capture a cheese stick. It was the one prize of the night.
Well, three grumpy looking guys could not have possibly gotten any better seats that night. Unlike the Concert, we seemed to have already had the best seats in the stadium. It was certainly first class treatment that my scrooge-like discipline would not allow me to take advantage of.
But in the end, it all worked out and we all managed to enjoy ourselves. Chalk up another new experience I may enjoy again in the future. ( even if it is not behind home plate....)
Other than that, I managed to work out the kinks with the Bank and Pearson was nice enough to send me my check!
Hurray for money! Funny how things work out when you don't panic or unravel. (Ok, I might have wigged out a bit last Saturday... But not as much as it could have been.) Work continues and tomorrow will be my Friday, as I have to work Sunday through
Thursday. I'm not sure what I will do on those free days, but I imagine I will catch up a little on my running. This week has been kind of bad for keeping the running up. Either there are errands or the weather is too hot to run in the evening. We shall see how things work out, as rain is predicted for Friday.
And there it is. Funny how time flies when you have a job. ( except at work... then time can drag sometimes.) So far, I'm enjoying the challenges that Warehouse Work provides. My position and the start up of the new location has me running around multiple areas doing a number of jobs. I kind of like the opportunity to see and do a number of tasks to get familiar with the inner workings. We shall see how long that lasts, as they will soon be assigning full time locations for people.I really don't know where I should hope to be assigned. Fingers crossed it turns out to be a good one.
Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far. And I certainly hope everyone is having fine Summer weather at your Location. Even with the heat and humidity, being three miles from the Coast of Lake Michigan is a dream compared to the Oven-like heat of Summer Iowa. I am truly Grateful. Amor Fati!
Those must hav been special seats! Good for you getting out and having fun! The new job sounds like it is going well! :)
It has been forever since I went to a ball game in K-town. Great night out and the new job sounds great.
Yes, being near the lake sure has its advantages. In the winter you can enjoy winter fog and lake effect snow! But in the summer, you can always cool off!
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