Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy to Not Be in MIchigan at the Moment

As promised, some pics of the missing snow....Actually these pics are several days old, so there is even less snow in that pile behind the cars. The cats have been very happy to , once again, enjoy the outside. Even thought the ground is a little mushy. I have been watching the weather channel and apparently, all the rain we got the last two days has turned to snow in Michigan! Whew! Happy to not be there at this time! I'm hoping that the snow stays away from here for the remainder of the winter. People have been saying that this weather is "highly unusual" ( the snow they mean) They say that it usually gets cold, but not snowy. They said that last summer was "highly unusually hot" as well. these Iowans and their weather. I'm not sure what to believe...did we move here in an "unusual year" or is the global warming messing with Iowa the most? Either way, I'm happy if there is no more snow. But we shall see...

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