Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Cheryl Chills on the Hills....

It was a cold morning this morning.   No frost ( that I could see anyway) But you could see your breath and feel that cold air.   But the sun came out just as we started our run and the warmth it provided was very welcome.  I dare say that it made the cold tolerable.  But that is from my point of view... from a bike.   Another cyclist passed by bundled to the hilt with winter attire.   I understood the gesture. 

Cheryl, on the other hand,  still wears shorts on these runs.  We ran the hills today,  and those usually generate more heat that the flat area.  She noted that the bathrooms will soon be closed, as the colder air threatens the plumbing. 
When they are,  that will signify that the city of Coralville believes it is "cold enough";  AND,  it will mean that Iowa City will not be as convenient as before.   Maybe we will hit the Kewash Trail more often.

In the mean time,   We continue to do the trickle of stockings that come our way.  A few dogs and cats.   Occasionally,  someone will order one of our old designs.   It's all good, but still not enough for all those expenses we have.

 And So Cheryl continues to have to score from home.   I believe she is getting burned out a bit.... as is typical in the scoring world.    Having an endless project while juggling stockings is tough enough.   Most projects have a definite start and end date.  It helps to know where the goal post is at any given time.  But when the move the deadline or randomly schedule you in the middle of your day off...  it can be frustrating.
I also wanted to note that the harvest continues.   Possibly because of the rain and snow that is predicted at the end of the week.   Lots of tractors and grain trucks pulling corn and soybeans to the towers. It makes for some fun driving on the back roads.

But enough of that!  This was simply meant to check into the blog and log the stocking numbers.   This will be good information for next year..  or future year(s).   Thanks for stopping in.

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