Emphasis on Busy... |
That is correct. I have nothing to blog about. Other than blogging about nothing. Seems our boring lives have been even
more boring than usual. With Cheryl laid up and my normal laziness, I have not even flown a kite lately! Oh, sure there is the origami. But I packed most of it up and put it out in the shed. ( So no pictures....)
Living life to the fullest! |
So why blog at all? Well, I have to give my loyal followers
something to read. And I have to send a message to my future self that "Yes, you led a fairly boring life during the fall of 2017." It is good to have a record of things... Unless you are a shady politician.
More fun that actually watching a game! |
Speaking of politics..... I usually try to keep those things out of the blog. No one wants to be forced to read or watch political protests when they don't ask for them. But that is what I have been entertained with lately. Mostly the YouTube comments on the NFL thing. People burning their gear to show their disdain for kneeling. Folks, The NFL already has your money! Burning it will only hurt you.

But I understand if you want to make a point. And it is "fun" to watch. ( the burning, not the game.) I never watched Monday Night Football. ( Or even the Superbowl!) But watching the hornets nest being stirred up is actually
entertaining. I have to do
something with all my unregulated free time. ( Other than actually work, that is)
Iowa's Golden time! |
The stockings are picking up now, and we usually sew up two to three a day. If things are as they should be, things will pick up steadily as Thanksgiving approaches. And then our free time will become less... and hopefully the blog will have more to talk about.
So that is all for now here in the cool state of Iowa. Fall temps, autumn breezes, and mostly cloudy skies. The harvest is upon us now and the leaves will soon change and fall as well. I can hardly wait!
I rarely watch the football. If I do, I only watch the last part of the last quarter where all that matters takes place. I am working towards to doing nothing. Have got there yet but when the snow comes I will have more time to bored. I think you stocking business is so wonderful. Your products are so great and I am sure the word spreads about them meaning you have to cut and sew some more. I was talking to a blog friend about here paper folding class that she took. They were making boxes. I am getting fired up and to fold some storks some of these days.
:) We never watch football so we smile too:)
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