Sunday, May 27, 2018

A Mad Run In The Madtown Half Marathon.

Early morning Wake up.
An Early start for us this morning...  and it was already hot!   Cheryl had plans to make the run more bearable with the help of a small canteen.   However,  after running a short distance with it,  she decided against it.

Cheryl secures some Fluids.
I could write a long and boring saga about the run,  but it is perhaps better to let the pictures do the talking on this one.   Besides, most people do not read this blog anyway.  And Pictures are worth thousands of words, right?   So here we go!
She has an Idea on how to bring the Diet Coke with her this time. 

But can she run with it?   not if she wants to keep her shorts up!
Cheryl runs by near the Start.  
And for those who love action shots!  

Cheryl runs by the lake near the five mile marker. 

She waves!  Looks like she it feeling pretty good in the heat. 

Running past.  Running FAST!
Cheryl rejects the water on the course.  

Water is for SISSIES!   She is so Hardcore...
Coming into the Finish.  More "Action " shots. 

Cheryl runs by...

Up towards the Capitol.

And towards the Finish line.  
Now let's put it all together. 
Celebrating with a BEER!  She is an ULTRA Runner...  Get it?  Ultra

Posing with a strange old man. 

Relaxing on the Capitol Lawn.  Drinking beer on the Capitol.  Is this Legal? 

And finally!  The PRIZE!

I should also note that she came in SECOND in her age group.   This means she will get an age group award/medal in addition to this one.  She is very excited and happy with the results.

Parting shot!  Cheryl at the Finish. 
The times were not her best..  But given the conditions,  there are no complaints.   EVERYONE had to lower their expectations today. ( Except the Kenyans!  5 minute miles!  Insane!)  She actually came in right when I expected her this time.  And best of all,  No melt downs or injuries!   Way to go! 
What a HAM!   I wonder what the Judges think.  
Hope everyone in enjoying the weekend.   The weather outside at the moment is just short of being a sauna!   So looks like we shall be spending the remainder of the day inside. I think we have already met out outdoor exposure quota for the day.   Time to lay back and enjoy that air conditioning we love and pay for.   Thanks for stopping in.
Oh!  And one last video.   Wait for it...  1:04:27.   Watch the HAM cross the Finish line.

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