So, this weekend I have been working on a few other creations. Or at least working on making ones that I created before a little better. I must say that the tracing paper,

although it still has it's limits, is proving to be pretty cool at handling the larger sculptures.

This is perhaps my best rose ever.

And the fox looks more like a kit fox rather than a traditional red fox, but I went with it to make the ears nice and big. In addition I worked on this dragon


I may have posted a similar one previously, however, I have been working this one over in my mind for some time and finally made it with the larger tracing paper. Unfortunately the picture does not do it Justice.

I was able to give the head 7 horns!

( with no cuts!) and the wings I could fan out in the traditional dragon style.

It's too bad I cant seem to capture his head very well with the camera because he has a great expression with his eyes, nose and mouth. Hopefully these pictures will give you an idea. Now it is off to my next creation.