Today, Cheryl was able to accomplish her long overdue appointment to the Eye Doctor. ( Also known as an Optometrist for those who know fancy vocab words...) She has not had a check up since 2012. That is
8 years without any guidance on how bad her eye sight could be.
Just how long can you
stretch out a month of contacts? |
AND.... (Drum roll) That is making her prescription last
8 years and her disposable contacts last a
very long time. ( Let's keep it vague... but say that her disposable contacts were only supposed to last a year...) It was long overdue.
This makes reading so much
more fun.... |

Add in that the Pearson Project she was on strategically scheduled training every single time she had an appointment scheduled. She had been wearing her 8 year old glasses... that are outdated,
unfashionable, and
BROKEN! ( Oh yeah, the cat's LOVED knocking them on the floor, causing one of the lenses to crack in the middle of the focal point.) To work every day for the last several weeks. She only had one pair of contacts left and they would dry out her eyes after only an hour of use.

So what took her so long to take care of such a thing as ...uh, Her
VISION? ( Because being able to see and see clearly is
kind of important, after all.) Well... Money mostly. Money helps when glasses cost
more than Cheryl's
down payment on her first car. And with Stocking money running out, and Pearson projects trickling in, the window of opportunity was getting more narrow.

But then there is the fear and dislike of doctors. It does not matter what kind of doctor. Unlike my Mother, who
LOVED visiting the doctor for
everything, Cheryl and I tend to visit medical professionals only when we need to. And even then.... only sometimes. ( That is probably why those 3 ribs and my shoulder still bother me when the weather changes... But that is a different story.) But eventually, Cheryl had to admit that if she wanted to wear sunglasses, read student essays, and be able to identify Baking ingredients for her brownies, she needed to tend to her vision needs.
The Proof how Popular BCG's
were for me. |
Army Birth control Glasses. |
It did not take very long. I barely had time to fold an origami cat. It seemed like it took more time trying to pick out her frames for her glasses. Basically, they all look the same to me. I base my choice on price. (That is why I wore my "Birth Control Glasses" that the Army gave me for years after I got out. I'll let you figure out why the BCG's were called that.) But Cheryl wanted to look presentable without looking too much like a Librarian, Hipster, Mad Scientist, or Millennial.
Only a Mad Scientist would want this frames. |
All she is missing is the mustache. |
The trouble was, those were the targeted customers for the selections of frames in stock. Some of those frames were $500! ( Without lenses! Good GOD!) She disregarded my suggestions for "cheap and invisible." and chose a middle of the road pair for slightly less... As long as she is happy with them and can survive the cat's play time, I guess I will be ok with it.
Works best, but leads to
being bullied by football players. |
Doesn't work. Sorry. |
Back home, she was able to get her contacts for half their retail price by ordering them online. So I guess we save a little money where we can. I can't imagine going to the Eye Doctor (Optometrist...) every year. Back in grade school, it seemed like my glasses were breaking all the time and I had to duct tape them into some form of functionality more often than not. ( Oh! Super glue NEVER works.... Nor does Soldering.) I was also changing my prescription every year, so I needed new ones even though they had just been replaced.
Ah, The memories of my youth... |
It was not until high school when I finally go Contacts did I stop the frequency of the prescription change. (And I stopped looking like a nerd!) Ah the memories of glasses past... Enough to give us both nightmares.... No wonder we dread seeing the eye doctor. ( Pun intended...)

Other than that, the weather is currently in the 40's. We ran and biked this morning... when the temps were in the teens with a bitter wind chill. So happy we could enjoy the cold one last time before the warmer weekend hits us. Cheryl has plans to run longer if the temps rise up to their predicted highs. ( possibly 50!) and it may do us a little good to stay out a little longer in the fresh air. It certainly beats being out in the cold.
Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has a great upcoming weekend. Thanks for stopping in.