Sunday, February 23, 2020

Warmer Temps, Muscatine Visit, And More Origami Progress.

The only thing I seem to be good at
Heyhey!  Good news!  Our project does not start for another week!  This is great because I get to enjoy another week of relaxation and being a bum with Cheryl.  ( Who is also a "bum.")  Unfortunately,  the warm weather we are currently enjoying is not meant to last.
Cold on Friday. 
Oh!  Right!   The weather.   It is currently mid 50's ( maybe warmer by now.)  And the sun is shining and melting all of the snow... Including the snow man.   The neighbor kid from upstairs knocked down the last remaining bit of the torso...  so Frosty is officially "dead!'   He was never going to last very long with this heat wave anyway.  The temps are supposed to drop tomorrow, so Cheryl had plans to enjoy the great outdoors while the sun was shining.
Anything over 32 degrees, Cheryl
wears shorts now. 

Warmer on Saturday. 
Which means running!    Running in Iowa City... Note the change in the dress code as the temps change.   There is a correlation.    Any temps over 32 degrees calls for shorts. ( Unless there is a wind chill greater than 20 mph.)

Sunshine and warmer. Almost mid
Shorts in Muscatine. 
And then, today,   we ran in Muscatine.   It was unfortunate that we ran 10 miles yesterday,  because she was feeling a little fatigued when we finally got to run along side the Mighty Muddy Mississippi.    The River is actually down quite a bit at the moment.   They are predicting flooding this spring from the ground water readings and snow falls from up north; but currently,  the  water is down about 10 feet from the low spot.   We could see sandy beaches!  And the little tug riverboat that we run by had moved their dock since the water was so low.   Fingers crossed the spring does not unleash a 100 year flood on us again.
7 miles Completed!

Addicting Banana Cake/bread. 
In the mean time,  Cheryl has been baking Banana bread which has been slowly killing us with abusive amounts of sugar and butter.  Ok, I think she replaced the butter with Olive oil and kicked up the bananas for a healthy "fruit" additive.  But the addictive qualities are still there... and we can not resist until the entire pan is gone.   We humans are such weak creatures when it comes to food.

Getting Closer.
Still need to fix the head. 
And finally...  Solving the Origami Puzzle that has eluded me for years.   Not only was the Sleeping cat still giving me trouble, but I have also attempted the Kawasaki Rose again.   Because I simply love and "easy" flower that everyone else can do... and have it not work out for me.
Kawasaki Rose.... "Anyone
Can do it!" They said....

Not only have I watched a number of videos on this rose, but I also have a BOOK with the design in it.   HOWEVER....  ( Drum Roll)  The directions in the book are upside down!  For years I have been blinking my eyes trying to figure out what the heck is going on in step # 20!   But finally,   I found a video on You Tube to clear things up.   I'll give you a hint:  at around step #20.. they flip the paper over and fold it from the top, not the bottom.  Completely changing the game!
Not a bad first and second attempt
The orange one is Cardstock

Well,  Now I have to fold it over and over enough to memorize the pattern.  ( did not take long after solving that hurdle.) and then I have to fold it over and over to perfect the folds so it looks presentable.   A number of earlier attempts were promising.

Add another in the Middle! 
And then I discovered that if you fold a smaller rose and place it in the middle,  it makes the rose look really sharp!   Let's attempt that one!

Then Glue it on a green thingy...
And then I discovered that if you fold some green paper into a sepals,   ( the green part of the stem under the flower... I had to look it up.)  It begins to look like a real flower.  With wet folded cardstock paper,  it almost looks real.
Ok,  Leaves look better... My finished
Kawasaki Rose.

Eventually,  I had to dust off a book to see how the "Pro's"  make their leaves.   I folded up something that looks a little more presentable.

Because the Kawasaki Rose
was not difficult enough...
The Robert Lang Rose.
Cheryl was so impressed, she ordered me another book of Origami Roses.  Like the book I have, only more difficult!  How fun!   We shall see if I can tackle any of those complicated beasts.   I still have yet to fold the "advanced Robert Lang Rose" in the end of my current book.   But for now,  I will be happy with finally conquering the Kawasaki Rose.   Some people fold nothing but this rose and sell them online.  I'm not sure how successful they are, but it gives me ideas.  ( a dangerous thing to possess!)

Wonder how they pay the bills?  
Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.  I know I will now that I know I will not have to go to work tomorrow.   Life is so full of other things to discover...  Wasting your life at work just does not make much sense to me. (Unless you are currently low on cash... then it starts to make a little... )  Still,  Enjoy the warm temps if you have them.  Sunshine if it appears.  And fresh air if you live anywhere outside a city.   Thanks for stopping in.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice roses! I can see where they would make some lovely table decoration for a wedding reception! Have fun being a bum this week! I am a bum every week. Cold wind here today...made the sun feel not as warm but still above zero so all is good:)

Jon said...

It's in the 40's here in TN, which feels like a heat wave. The insects are reappearing, so they must think it's summer. Cold temperatures are predicted again by mid-week. That banana bread looks good - - and I'll gladly risk the sugar and butter.
The origami roses are lovely with the green leaves.


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