Thursday, February 20, 2020

Pearson Freedom, Bitter Coldness, Origami Pets, and Noodles.

Running in the cold. 
Goodness,  with  my new found freedom, I have forgotten to blog about stuff!   My last day on the project was Monday.   So, I have been job free for three days now.   And what have I done over those three glorious days?

Another Scotty...

Origami for the Mind? 
Well,  not much... Mostly relax and recharge.   The next Pearson Project begins next Monday, so I do not have much of the precious free time to spare.  Best to try to enjoy as much of it as possible.

Origami Dachshun #2
Origami Dachshund#1
Which means...  Origami.   Well,  a little anyway.   I try to do Origami to relax and rest my restless mind.   However, sometimes things do not turn out as planned and that actually upsets me more than not folding.   However,  I will share my recent "successes".   A couple of Origami Dachshunds, and a cat.

Another cat. 

My current project and goal: Sleeping
I have also been working on an Origami Sleeping cat and a Kawasaki Rose.   Two items I have been challenged with for years!  ( Well,  on and off... I attempt.. Get frustrated.. Abandon the design, and come back months later... It is a process I go through.)   I did not take pictures of the moderate successes.  I will see if I can replicate the models tomorrow... maybe.

Cheryl runs in Trueblood. 
Watch out for the Ice on the trail .
In the mean time,  it has been bitterly cold here for the last three days.   We managed to go to Iowa City Tuesday and Today... But yesterday we ran around the neighborhood at home.

Watch out for traffic and dogs. 
Cheryl runs at home! 
All three days it has been in the teens!   ( With a wind chill that drops it further.)   I know that is nothing compared to Minnesota...  But it is pretty bad for Iowa. ( Dubuque even hit a record low a few days ago!)   So much for that Global Warming idea.  Seems nature keeps throwing cold water on it. ( pun intended)

Udon Noodles!
With Mushrooms!
So what better way to spend a cold day than inside eating Udan Noodles!   With Shitake and Maitake Mushrooms!   The Nature Store had a stash of Fresh Maitake Mushrooms and we snapped up two of the three available packages!  Cheryl likes the dehydrated Shitakes for their enhanced flavor.  She rehydrates them before adding them to the mix.  With Soy sauce, hot pepper oil, and Maple Syrup... they are as good as the Noodle Shop's "expensive" noodles.  All that is missing is a few extra veggies and sprouts for garnish.
Robins in the yard...  Despite the cold!

So I imagine the next few days being equally boring and wonderful.   Cheryl does have to go to the Eye doctor tomorrow to renew her contacts.  She has been away for several years now and probably needs new glasses as well.   I'm sure I need to get in there since I apparently can not see anything close anymore.   I don't want Bifocals...  But perhaps a set of reading glasses or something?   Maybe...

Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far.  and if you are in one of those cold zones...  pour yourself some tea, coffee, hot cocoa or maybe even a warm and savory Chicken soup.   That is how I plan on  handling the cold.   Thanks for stopping in.


Susan said...

Oh my stars, it is really cold in your neck of the woods!
I am wondering how long it takes to configure your art, in particular the sleeping cat which looks very detailed.
Stay warm! ♥️Susan

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice sleeping cat! Glad you didn't freeze to death in the cold temps:)


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