Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter! With Bikes, Trees, & Eggs!

Still not safe enough for some
local Governments...
Happy Easter everyone.  Hopefully you are not living in one of those "Police States" where they are arresting people for Worshiping God.   I wonder if they are doing the same thing for the Mosque?

Don't worry,  he is here to Help!
Anyway,  To be fair...  They are only ticketing people a "small" $500.00 fine...  Chump change for middle class non-working America.  Everyone has a spare $500 bucks under their pillow, so it is all good.   And the $500.00, I'm sure, will go for a good cause like helping children read...  or some nonsense like that.

Ok, A bit of a rant.  I'm sure it is because I see our freedoms eroding away and people are too scared to say anything about it. (Because "Only Government" can save you from yourself...)  But this is supposed to be a "Happy Blog Post"...  So let's get to it.
Riding on the trail 

Beaver Damage! 

The weather was nice this morning, so we decided to take our bikes to the trail in Kewash today.  We only met two people along the way.  We saw lots of folks out on their porches and a few kids searching the yard for Easter eggs.   Looks like people were getting on somehow after being banned from Church or Worship. ( I guess there is always Facebook...)

These trees are HUGE!
While out and about,  We discovered an interesting sight.   Beavers had been working on several trees...   Very VERY large trees.   Normally we see their signs on smaller saplings.   I'm not sure if either these guys ( assuming there was more than one.) either got bored, demoralized, or "moved" by the farmer who did not want his farmland flooded by rodents!   Either way,  it looks like the project has been put on hold after they felled at least one large tree.
Cheryl is ready to color!

Back home, Cheryl was eager to get to coloring eggs.   Who would have thought that coloring eggs would be so fun.

We avoided the glitter and other "specialty" ones,   deciding on the  "Shiny" version of Paas.

It is funny, but the "special ingredient" was simply oil!   Yes, we greased up the eggs after they were colored and dried.

Slimy... I mean Shiny eggs!
Dull and flat colored egg.
I guess the shine gives them a little bit of glow,  but it was not super complicated, super messy, nor, super disappointing.   ( Like the Glitter Eggs....)    We managed to do them all with very little help from the cat this time.   In fact,  we were finished in hardly any time at all.

Packing them up. 

The thing about boiled eggs is I simply can not leave them alone.   I will do my best NOT to eat them all before the end of the day.

 At least Cheryl had one so I won't have 12 full eggs to feel guilty about.  (I'm eating 2 more as I write this....  I'm terrible!)

My first free software experiment.
An annoying watermark and "DING" 
We shall see what the others have
to offer. 
For the rest of the day, I plan on finding better software for my Stop Motion adventures.  Turns out my short Origami videos are rather taxing on the frame rate and  every time I attempt to add sound, the program crashes.   I just downloaded another program that was fairly advanced, but had a watermark and annoying "DING" over your videos.  I may purchase it if it makes the watermark go away...  But first I want to see if there are any other free programs that can just do what I need them to. ( Splice videos and add sound... how difficult can it be?)   Wish me luck!
IS this right? 
How about this? 

This feels the "safest" 
So Happy Easter!   No viruses were spread in the making of this blog post.  ( That we know of..... Dun DUN!!!!)   Cheryl and I have been attmpting to wear masks whenever we go outside.   But the masks Cheryl ordered did not have instructions... so we have had to figure out how to wear them appropriately.  (The Surgeon General and the WHO say they may actually INCREASE your chance for catching the virus...Hope we figured it out.)
Folks in Michigan...  Where Fun is
And thankfully,  we avoided any run-ins with the Police.   But then again, we live in Iowa!   A Republican is still in charge of things and seems to be taking a lot of heat for NOT becoming a Tyrannical Dictator.   If only she were more oppressive and authoritarian, we would not only be more safe-ish,   we would be more unhappy...  Like Michigan.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Fun with eggs! We didn't color any. Cute masks!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Happy Easter!


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