Friday, April 17, 2020

The Spring Snows Bring Out The Birds In Iowa!

Wait!  What now?   How does that happen?   I'm not sure if I understand it either, but Iowa does sit right in the middle of a Major Migratory Route.    So... I shall theorize..

Shorts Weather.

Most of the snow is gone!
First:  Yesterday. The Snow mostly melted.  Cheryl ran in Shorts!   It was cold and  small wind...  So I froze.   But that is never a concern for "Team Allenbrite."  ( Meaning:  Cheryl doesn't care about my safety._

Check out the White Bill.
(And Lobed Feet!) 
Flock of Coots. 
The Coots were clustered up near the shore and I almost got a good shot of them.  It is unfortunate my camera does not have a decent zoom.   But check out the white bill and you will know the birds are coots.  ( They have lobed feet,  not webbed!  Very cool!)

Thick and Heavy,  Very Pretty on the
Uh...Snow?  Again!?

We finished the run and about an hour later, it began to snow.   I thought the small flakes would not stick.... But this morning... SURPRISE!

Cheryl brushes off the Subie
Notice the exposed "runner". 
We were greeted with about 2 inches on the grass... again!  Subie was covered.    Cheryl was very excited to use the Snow brush again.   She loves cleaning off the car....  And pumping gas. It's understandable... It IS a Subaru.

Thankfully,  the Snow is already
what a difference 24 hours makes.
Back at Terry Trueblood trail,  things almost seemed back to normal.  Not many people were out braving the Cold , wind and snow.   Good for us... mostly.  I did dress warmer this time, so I was good.  Cheryl ran the full 7 miles.

And More!
White Pelicans. 

On the way back to the Lake,  we noted Pelicans!  Several flocks were flying over fairly close to the tree tops.   Again, I wish I had a zoom on my camera.   They were much closer than these pictures show.   You could see their eyes and the nubs on their bills!
A Flock of Cormorants fly
with the Pelicans. 

And Even MORE! 
We also saw a flock of what I can only guess were Cormorants.  They were not pelicans, at least. 

Brown Pelican.  Don't be fooled
by the colors... They Steal Fish! 
A small note about the White Pelicans in Central North America.   I grew up going to Florida to visit our Grandparents.   We knew the Brown Pelican very well. ( They are Everywhere!)   So you can imagine my surprise the first time I ever saw a White pelican.   They have those bright yellow bills with tall nubs on the top.   Cheryl and I had never seen anything like them!   And we are still thrilled to see them whenever they show up..  even though they are quite common here in Iowa.

Turkey Vultures are BACK! 
I guess it is like the Bald Eagle.   They are seasonal, but I enjoy seeing them whenever they show up.   I should also note that the Turkey Vultures are back in force.  I never seem to have my camera whenever they show up.   They are a wonderfully Awesome bird.

Adventures in Baking. 

A Success!  But will it last? 
Back at home,  Cheryl embarked on yet another Baking adventure.  This bread has cranberries and Toasted Almonds on them.  I doubt it will have a very long shelf life.  Meaning,  We will finish it off before it will go stale or get moldy.

As for me,  Inspired by the Flocks of Pelicans,  I decided to use that inspiration to make my next video.   I decided to go with the Swimming Pelican and not the Standing one.  Perhaps tomorrow.

Hope everyone is staying warm, safe,  and snow free.. if you live in the "New Snow Belt" of North America.  I thought Global Warming was supposed to solve this problem.  I don't want to give the Greenies any reason to point out that the lack of American and Chinese Production is causing the CO2 levels to drop so drastically that  they are triggering a new snow age.   There!  I said it before they did!  From that point,  there are numerous paths they can take...  Like,  Want it warmer?  Start up the factories again.. to :ALL HUMANS MUST DIE!   I might have my complaints about humanity from time to time, but I don't think we should be wiped out  just to save the planet.  Besides, it appears the Planet is trying its best to kill us already.   No need to help it out.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice job on the Pelican! Oh my Cheryl's bread looks great! We have not had snow for two days now, what we really need is a spring rain:) Stay safe running and riding bike out there!


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