Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tsunami of Stockings.

  Too many stockings.  we have done 40 stockings every day for the last three days.  It is currently 7 pm and Cheryl is still working!   Our felt is running out, and despite ordering three bolts of red from JoAnn,  We currently can only sell another 40 red stockings before totally running out!  We still have enough green for 60+ stockings. ( assuming a bold of fabric holds 45 stockings) 

If the felt does not arrive in a timely manner,  I will be forced to turn off the red felt color from the shop.   This could be a disaster!  Because... As A  RULE!   The felt Always arrives a day after I shut everything down and tell people we are out of a certain color.   Sometimes they order a different color.  Sometimes they disappear. Either way, It would be great it the felt arrives tomorrow.. so we will not have to panic too much. 

But really,  This means we have already achieved last year's sales about three weeks before the end of the season.   No more, no less than 2019...  Which was a fairly typical year.   It will mean we missed an opportunity to capitalize on the 2020 disaster year's sales.   ( Shrug...) 

But now I have to try to relax after an exhausting day of stocking assembly.   I wanted to at least post something for future reference...  so we can look back and see how things went down during a disaster year.  Thanks for stopping in. 


Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope your bolts of felt arrive soon! I wonder what they story is how that one kitty was named Booger:)

Val Ewing said...

Wow, 40 stockings a day! Whew! I sure hope the red comes in a timely manner. So do you have a chance of passing last year's sales?
I was reading some of the names and they are pretty funny.


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