Friday, November 20, 2020

Stockings In A Mad World.

   We have done 30 stockings every day this week.   And there are always left overs... meaning we Should have done more if we wanted to stay on top of things.   I'm hoping he payout will be huge at the end of the season.   However,  we know that we will be limited by the amount of felt Cheryl has ordered.   She has already ordered enough for the year... ( based on our average sales from the past several years)   We ordered well in advance and  quantities we had doubts about!   Thinking that he pandemic would effect the shipping and delivery time.   Also we did not know if people would order the same amount as previous years.    It was a risk!

But now it looks like we should have risked more.   We have already run out of Nautical Blue.   ( the felt color)   We have lots of red and green... for now.  But we sell 20 or more red stockings every day!  That is half a bolt!  And if Cheryl was to order more bolts of felt at this moment... it would not arrive in time for this Christmas.   So...  Maybe we will be limited not on the amount of sales,  ( or energy and will on our part)   but rather on the amount of felt he had to order for the season.     Fingers crossed that we maybe break a record this year?   Wouldn't that be a hoot!  2020... The Disaster year that proved to be our most profitable.    It would figure...

I was going to rant on the world being turned upside down...  It is funny how the little things hit you wrong and boil your blood.   But I will sign off with,  I'm ready for the Pandemic to be over.   For Sanity to return.  For America to be Free again..  And other stuff... 

but I'm really too tired to even care about that now.   Hope everyone else is surviving this crazy year.  I guess life never gets easier, so cramming all of the world problems in a single year is not too strange.    Thanks for stopping in.


Val Ewing said...

The world is upside down and will be for a while yet I think. Nothing will go back to the 'Normal' we had before, or will it?
That is great news about the stockings sales going through the roof! My goodness.
2020 could be the year that changes everything for good and for bad.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yeah for a good sales year! Hope your felt holds out! :)


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