Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Affirmation of a Woodworker

You may never think of yourself as a "true" woodworker. However there will definitely be signs that everyone else around you does. Myself, I'll be the first to admit that I'm no Maloof, David Marks, Chris Pye, or Wood Whisperer ( What is his name again? ) . Sure, I've made a living off of working with wood for the past 6 years and I try to blog about it on a daily basis, but the REAL proof that I am now worthy of a title is when your relatives give you all kinds of books about wood because you're the "wood guy" in the family. Now I'm not trying to be ungracious, in fact, I kinda like it. however, there is usually not much I can learn from the beginner books, YET I just can't find it in my heart to throw them away. Like those small scraps of wood you have after a project. You just never know when they will come in handy. Well. I may have a few projects coming up this week. Cheryl wants me to build another display item for an upcoming show. Luckily, I have some scrap plywood still in my possession that may do nicely. Hope everyone has a great week!


Stela said...

cheryl is super lucky to have a "wood guy"! I wish Riley could build wonderful displays for craft shows!

L. D. said...

Yes, people don't understand that you have surpassed the simple stuff. In any field you stand longer at a book store to find the books that meet your level of achievement. As an art teacher, everyone kept bringing me their old art history books that they had in college. i am old enough that I could write an art history book of my own.


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