Saturday, February 27, 2010

Girl with Wind in Her Hair...Day 4

I was trying to think of a diffearnt title.
but this is the best I could do.  The fact is, "tree carving" is just too general at this point.   Anyway, I only spent about three hours out in the cold working on her hair.  I didn't really get much done.  And I started too late to be able to use any power tools to speed things along.  At least it wasn;t snowing on me tonight.  In other news:  My blog seems to have been reformated. Probably when Cheryl and I  worked on the new banner.   The only things that bothers me is the pictures now are not snug up next to each other.    I hope this doesn't bother too many people reading a littel trickle of words between photos. 


diy said...

No problem with the new format - so long as I get to follow your work I'm happy.

L. D. said...

You are dedicated if your out in the cold. You need to think about finding heat.


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