Thursday, November 5, 2015

Novel Progress Report; Over 10,000 words!

10000 words seem popular!    It may sound impressive, but I actually started at 6000 words.   I’m impressed I have added over 4000 words and now have some solid footing to stand on.  To be fair, the first several days were re-reading and deleting large chunks and re-writing them.    I guess you could say I have added more, but the final word count is what the goal is. It's about caves!

So.   What is the novel about?    Caves, drug use, sex, and DRAGONS!   I know,  Dragons?    Hey,  I used to play a LOT of Dungeons and Dragons when I was a kid.  And I read the Hobbit about a HUNDRED TIMES!   So yeah…there’s gonna  be dragons!  

It's about ICE?It’s funny that at only 10,000 words I have barely gotten started.  I get pep-E-Mails from the National Novel Writers that try to boost up your spirits and keep you motivated.   I have to tell myself that this is a “ROUGH draftIt's gonna have DRAGONS!   so I can afford to be a little sloppy and let the grammar suffer if it allows me to complete the 50.000 words by the end of the month.   Add in the Holidays, and just getting that many words  within this month is still a going to be a daunting task. 

So why am I wasting precious writing time on the blog?   Well,  I need to take a break at the moment and I figure that this check in keeps me focused on the bigger picture.   As if I’m making a progress report….for/to myself.  And beautiful Images....and some drugs. ( Or at least the “ME” that is cracking the whip.) 

So,  Perhaps I’ll drop more tidbits of novel structure as I have more written down ( or I should say,  Typed Down) But for now:   Caves!   SEX!   Dragons…..And over 10,000 words!  Time for my weekly pep talk!   Let's check it out! YEAH!   I may actually finish this one this time!  

Hope everyone is having a great week so far.   The weather is supposed to turn south here over the next couple of days.   Meaning, it is going to be colder and rainy.   Sounds like a bad time to fly a kite and run….but that probably will not stop us.   We shall see.

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