I originally was going to only work on her for a couple of hours, but ended up working for about 4. It seems with only 4 hours of carving, you just don't get as much done as when I was spending 8.

( makes sense!) Anyway, It snowed and snowed. They said only 1 inch but now there is at least 4 on the ground! I had nothing better to do, so I set up a small tent and chipped away through the dark and snow. I worked on her nose mostly. I always seem to make the face flat.

But my last one turned out pretty good because I made the nose stick out more than ever before.

Hopefully as I sink the face in, this one will work out just as well. Also something I want to experiment with this one that I have never done before. I want to put her hair blowing across her face!

I'm kind of excited about this! Having never done this before,

I want to be sure to leave a lot of excess wood on her face so I have something to work with. And finally: My tools for the day.

A few additions to the mix, but mostly I stuck to the rough out ones. I know the pics are crappy, but it's still early in the carving.

And I have not made the huge strides like I did with the last one at each posting. Enjoy!