We survived the holidays! No minor feat, by the way. After much lamentation over the weather,
Michigan did not fail to disappoint to disappoint. Yep! Totally Clear Roads! Sunshine! Warm weather. Now You might be wondering, “How is this bad?” How!? It makes ME look bad after all that muttering about the Michigan Weather. No nothing I will ever say about it will be taken seriously. And Michigan KNEW this! Conspired with Indiana, Chicago, and the weather channel to ruin my bid for political office one day. A Vast North Wing Conspiracy!
That being said, I was pleased with the results of their campaign of defamation. The results being Clear roads, Sunshine, and Warm Weather. In the end, we were able to make perhaps the best time ever to the Families house. All without fear of Physical pain, deformity,
Death! And, Most importantly! the marring of the Subaru! It helped that Cheryl drove for part of the leg. That helped make it smooth sailing!
We ate too much! Well, I ate too much. It is the Holidays after all! My goal now is to reign my self in and try to get back on track. Hopefully back to Pre-Holiday levels.
Julie and Mike had their cats over! Quite the celebrities! Rob is the grey and white one. We is probably the most friendly, but does not like to be held. But he loves posing and receiving pets!
Stanly is a rescue cat that looks like a giant long hair gerbil. He has no tail! Adding to the cosplay! He is smaller ( under all that fur) and slightly more shy. However, ( I’m bragging here) I was able to get him to come and let me pet him. He liked to play with the toys…..Cats love it when you play with them….
Andy was fascinated with Rob! And took about a million pics of him, convinced he could be the next “Grumpy Cat”.
In the end, I was caught up as well, want tried to take pictures of Rob….But he refused to sit still for me.
So on the return trip, As mentioned before,
I was going to make this an expedition for gather Honey Brown Beer! In that case: The Mission was a success!
I told the people at Honey Brown that I was going to feel like a frat boy purchasing a year’s supply of beer at once so i can bring it back to Iowa.
Well…..I did! I could have bought more…and Cheryl even urged me to! ( What a GREAT WIFE!) But I left at least three cases on the shelves. Luckily, no one bothered me with my “unusual” purchase…..Maybe it is not as unusual as I think there in Michigan. But it WAS unusual for me.
We also Purchased a Michigan Beer and Michigan Wine….to perhaps blog about later. I guess Michigan has Swapped the Auto Industry for the Micro-Beer industry. Not exactly what Granholm wanted, I’m sure. She Probably wanted more “techie” industry, because that was “cleaner, and cooler” that the Big Three, But ended Up a state filled with what looks like unemployed alcoholics! With Michigan looking for ways to survive the harsh economic climate. Ah well, It’s not really my worries anymore…..But the Beer, I’m sure, Will taste Great!
The Return trip was uneventful as well, We stopped by IKEA briefly, and safely arrived home about 2 hours ago.
I’m not sure what we have planned for tomorrow….most likely we have plans for “no plans” !
I feel like I can finally relax and the hustle and
bustle of Christmas is finally over. I hope everyone else was able to survive the holidays intact. And ultimately, Had a good one with friends and family! Enjoy!