For the last couple of days, we have been at a fairly consistent level of sales. 34 stockings yesterday and 30 for today. It is actually more, but Cheryl packs up a certain number of “easy” ones that are already made and ships
them off in the morning with the previous night’s batch.
We failed to receive our felt order today…which causes us a little anxiety going into the weekend. I guess the only color we are short of is the Aqua Blue…which happens to be popular today! Hopefully we will make it to Monday and the felt will arrive and no one will be the wiser that we are under stocked on a certain color…Or perhaps they could just order a substitute.
I’m not sure what it means this year, but Target was unusually more busy than normal. The employee volunteered that they were projecting this weekend to be bigger than the previous two in sales numbers! Perhaps people are waiting for to the last minute for deals….or just to do their Christmas Shopping because they have plenty of money. Wouldn’t that be cool! I’m all for a happy economy as much as any one else is. Perhaps some of that good will will rub off on our microscopic Etsy shop.
Other than that, we have just been doing our best to stay on top of the sales and answer the questions that may translate into a sale. Cheryl has been pretty consistent in breaking her 5K run times on a daily basis. I guess the pleasant weather is probably a factor. It is nice running in cool weather that is not overly windy or chilly.
As for me. I ride along side her with my bike….stopping to feed the horses, cows, and dogs we meet along the way. I’m not getting much of a work out, but biking has become a little easier now that I’m back in the saddle ( pun intended)
Hope everyone is having a great weekend….well, those who are reading this anyway. I guess everyone else as well.
By the way, today’s beer is a hoppy one from Goosehead Brewery Chicago. Cheryl and I have been craving a hoppy beer ever since we bought that Christmas beer filled with caramel sweet notes and spices.
The Strong citrus taste of the hops help relax and revive us a bit after a long day of sewing. Add in some Baby Swiss Cheese from the Swiss Colony and you have a wonderfully simple reward for your taste buds after a long work day.
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