Night was spent with me fussing with my new plane. It took a bit of tweaking, but I
managed to get it to a nice level for me. The wedge kept slipping no matter how hard I drove it in. A little sandpaper on the iron and pin and now it stays put. I was having so much fun with it I made a mess of my shop with a pile of shavings! So tonight, I cleaned up my room and set
about rethinking my dust collection system. I saw a nice set up in a wood magazine. ( can't remember which one at the moment) that had the bag hang down. It saves space and I seem to get more suction now. It is also easier to get at the bag to empty the dust. I still want to make a
new table for sanding. I can't wait! I also got a jump on the weekend orders by carving up 5 seats. I'll probably paint them tomorrow, unless I feel really motivated tonight. As you might notice, many are repeat designs. It seems woodland stuff is back in after a couple of years of taking a break for a couple of years. Hope you are all having a great weekend!
Ethan: I think you are supposed to use Hardwood for the sides and bottom of the Plane lol.
Not Baltic Birch Plywood lol. But Great job thou. Nice Carvings also
true! And that Did pass my mind ( honest!) But I figured if it didn't turn out I could alwasy burn it and start over again. I dioubt I will be using it as much as dremel tools or vacuum.
Ethan: i would definatly love to get my Hands on a few Planes...
I could put them to use, expecially for Jointing Boards for glue up and the likes.
Probably be quicker then using the router, and the setup it takes for my straight bit to turn my router table into an 3/4" Jointer.
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