Cheryl wants me to write another one, And I must admit, I am tempted. I have at least three other stories running around in my brain. Cheryl is really the writer even though she did not finish hers that year, nor attempted one since. She is quite the eloquent writer and actually taught college English, philosophy, and logic. But she says that she has not yet earned enough "life experiences" to have a story to tell. I think she should write a book on how we started our business. Hope you try it, even if you don't complete it you can at least get an idea of what is involved. Good Luck!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Crazy days!
has been crazy these last three days. Sorry for missing a couple of days this week. I have lost count on
how many seats I'm currently behind. I was able to carve up 6 seats and prep two others. ( total of 8) I still have at least 2 more left. Yesterday, We went to Grand Rapids to find
seats and fix the car. We got lucky and found 15 at two stores. However, by the time we got home. I was totally spent. Tonight, with the new shop cat's help, I have to watch the poly dry so I can get two coats on before they ship tomorrow.
( Friday is last day of the week to send stuff.) Oh before I forget! November is WRITE YOUR NOVEL month. That is right for all you budding story tellers out there. Two years ago I wrote mine, ( last year my computer died on, that's right! November 1st!) So I will not be writing one this year. the rules are simple. In 30 days, write 50,000 words. That's it! It can be done because, I did it! Some day I Will try to get it published. It's still kinda rough ( I have a typing problem with end quotes, Weird huh?) Anyway, It was fun to do, and I did it while carving this many seats! Couple of pages every night. Much like blogging. Let me know if you are going to try. I would love to hear your progress reports and be your cheerleader. I also know that many of you that read this are probably getting geared up for the holiday rush on Etsy. I agree that November was a strange month to put it in, But I celebrated every page with a warm cup of flavored coffee, topped with whipped cream, ( it helps!) Here's the web site, They must be gearing up because the site is doing maintenance as of the writing of this post. I Hope you go check it out.
Cheryl wants me to write another one, And I must admit, I am tempted. I have at least three other stories running around in my brain. Cheryl is really the writer even though she did not finish hers that year, nor attempted one since. She is quite the eloquent writer and actually taught college English, philosophy, and logic. But she says that she has not yet earned enough "life experiences" to have a story to tell. I think she should write a book on how we started our business. Hope you try it, even if you don't complete it you can at least get an idea of what is involved. Good Luck!
Cheryl wants me to write another one, And I must admit, I am tempted. I have at least three other stories running around in my brain. Cheryl is really the writer even though she did not finish hers that year, nor attempted one since. She is quite the eloquent writer and actually taught college English, philosophy, and logic. But she says that she has not yet earned enough "life experiences" to have a story to tell. I think she should write a book on how we started our business. Hope you try it, even if you don't complete it you can at least get an idea of what is involved. Good Luck!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday mad house!
This week is becoming a crazy week! I carved up 5
seats tonight and I'm still 7 seats behind. The cat won't stop meowing, tomorrow I have to fix my car, ( prob no carving then either) and I still have to find a supply of seats! now more than ever!.
The guy from our old supplier called and told us they are discontinuing their line of seats. Monday I spend all night trying to make a seat completely out of plywood. I'm still on the fence on how it turned out, if it is sell able, if anyone will care or even notice,
And if the seat will meet the "perceived" quality of customers. there is little doubt that a plywood seat is very stable and strong. Splitting is always an issue with the solid wood seats. Splitting would be virtually eliminated with the plywood. It all boils
down to how it looks. So here is a picture of the bear seats made completely out of Baltic birch ( I really want to go with the red oak plywood) Cheryl thinks that we should stain it lighter, then the lines of the lamination would be less evident. The overwhelming evidence is that all the stores are discontinuing the solid wood seat. We will need to adapt or fold! Making the seats myself would mean more work for me, but I would have control of the supply. Ultimately, I'm going to have to take the plunge! And leave the cat to turn the lights off.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Catch up Sunday.
much carved all day today. Finally got finished. kinda late for the seats to go out tomorrow.
Total of 10 seats needed to be done tonight, Only three are going to be able to go out. I have three more for tomorrow already! It rained most of the day today. and hailed a little. Winter might be really close.
Cheryl can't wait for the coffee table to get finished. In fact, since it had to be moved out of my studio so I could carve, She moved it into the living room. I might be able to work on it a little on Tuesday, But Wednesday, I will have to take the car to Grand Rapids for the water pump repair. What fun!
Cheryl can't wait for the coffee table to get finished. In fact, since it had to be moved out of my studio so I could carve, She moved it into the living room. I might be able to work on it a little on Tuesday, But Wednesday, I will have to take the car to Grand Rapids for the water pump repair. What fun!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Coffee table Saterday.
So what would a weekend project be if it didn't take you the entire
weekend to complete? Easy! Well this should have been easy. After going back to purchase another board ( which I ended up not needing after all) I spent the remainder of my Saturday hammering out the details of the coffee table. After 4 hours of cutting and assembly, I discovered that I was missing one board. That's right! One! the only one I cant piece
together with some combination. The long side on the table top. So I did as much as I could and loosely assembled it for the picture. It's actually looking pretty good so far. Even Cheryl is impressed and already has her mind working on other projects. The one thing about this project is that the joinery is nothing fancy. I'll work on tenons, dowels and dovetails later. I'm actually having some fun with this one. Tomorrow I will have to set the table aside and work on my carvings ( I have five to do as of right now) I hate waiting till Sunday to pile all the carving up. But the coffee table was on my bench and I wanted to work on that. Most of the hard part is done now, so I'm thinking it should not take too much to complete it. Cheryl can't wait..
Friday, October 24, 2008
Coffee table Friday
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cool nights and hot cocoa.
Sold two tonight. So total of three carved
and painted. With the
new found time, I was able to make Cheryl a hot chocolate. Now it might be the culinary artist in me,
but simple Swiss miss just won't do . Cheryl always gets mad at me
for adding all this stuff to her cocoa, but she never seems to be disappointed by it. The recipe is simple enough. One pouch of Swiss miss ( Cheryl insists on this) 2 Tbs or Carmel flavored syrup, Boiling water, whole milk ( about equal portions to the water, to cool it down) and Whipped topping on top. The whole milk is great for the creamy flavor. Red agrees! Thanks for the cat germs, buddy! Now you might be asking where did we get those cute little Hersey cups? We ate about 1000 Hershey kisses and saved up the wrappers! ( I also have a great Hershey sweatshirt) what better way to warm up on a cold night!
Crazy Wednesday!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Two seat day. Cheryl's shop is going crazy!
Monday, October 20, 2008
A new Seat! A new beginning...
carving christmas,
Sunday, October 19, 2008
One of those days!
Well, I finished the seats and sold three more ( YEAH!) But I was having one of those
days...Cheryl calls me "Midas" for a reason. and sometimes it is true. Like a Seinfeld Episode, On certain days, everything I touch gets worse! Tonight, before we started painting, Cheryl asks me to vacuum a bit so she can have time to sew. Believe it or not, I didn't mind for a couple of reason. One: Cheryl always manages to mess up the Vacuum and I end up taking it apart and unraveling the ball of yarn she has run over,( causing the smoke, burning smell, and high pitched whine) Two: Cheryl never empties the vacuum, so it loses suction 5 second after she starts it. and Three: Cheryl is kinda short so I have to reach the corners etc. And 4: Any man can vacuum...right?
So, I start in the kitchen. I have to empty the vacuum and, right away, lose the cover to the filter. I look everywhere but can't find soon as I ask Cheryl for help...It miraculously
appears! Ok, Slow start but now it's ready. I now have to unravel the cord that Cheryl just loops over the handle. Five minutes later ( and several choice words) It's untangled and the floor is covered with attachments. I'm getting frustrated now...The vacuum is dropping parts like autumn leaves! Slow down, breath deep ....start it up. start vacuuming.. I get the little bits of cat food and felt scraps easy. Then I see I can't get the area around the table.
I decide to move the table ..or else Cheryl will point out that I missed a bunch of stuff and I suck at vacuuming ( no pun intended) So I move the table. Start vacuuming and BANG! hit my head on the kitchen light! (OUCH!) but that is not the bad part. the light now breaks out of the ceiling, and swings like a pendulum and smashes into Cheryl's sewing machine. sending it crashing to the floor where the front door and the light bulb break! With this, still rubbing my damaged skull, Cheryl comes out and wonders why I can't do a simple task like vacuum the carpet. You see, She is convinced that I "mess up on purpose" so I won't be asked to do that task. ( same with laundry, put it all in one load right? saves on soap and time...what's wrong with that) To be fair, this is why I cook. Cheryl doesn't cook very well ( I'll leave it at that) So now she is mad at me ( not really) because we have to go to the store to buy another bulb so she can sew tonight. She really is not angry ( she loves me after all) It's just that she is right on my Midas touch on certain days. BA!! Now she won't let me vacuum anymore.

ceiling light,
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Busy Saturday! Carvings and Car repairs! Oh my!
Cheryl took a picture of the leak and sent it to her brother (Who is a profesional Mechanic ) for a better assessment. I don't think it is the water pump. I'm hoping it is just the gasket and the stop leak fixed it. The only way to find out is to take it all apart, and even though I did put in the radiator, alternator, and fan belt, This job is slightly more challenging for a "small time" mechanic such as myself. ( I still have to learn how to change my own oil!) Hopefully Andy will give us the prognosis tomorrow and the damage won't be too bad.
Friday, October 17, 2008
My Alaskan Soaps!

Soap stores etsy sellers
Keeping things Sharp!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New camera anyone?
Well our cats have helped us make up our mind on getting a new camera. Basically they pushed this one over the edge and broke the battery cover. Now it is almost impossible to hold the camera and take a shot without the cover slipping off and cutting the power. We obviously needed one anyway. And this camera is so old that the stores do not even carry them anymore. I'm hoping we can get a standered 8 mega pixel one that takes decent pics...nothing too fancy ( our current camera takes only 2.1 mgp and we thought that was Awsome several years ago!) It's not like we have tons of money to throw around. I was hoping for a new woodworking toy, or a computer of my own. Ah well, camera will have to be first I guess.
By the way, Cheryl helped "pimp out" the blog now. I don't know if I am totaly satisfied with the main page, but at least we now know how to adjust things.
By the way, Cheryl helped "pimp out" the blog now. I don't know if I am totaly satisfied with the main page, but at least we now know how to adjust things.
2 sales and one panel.

Currently, I'm down to one seat in my stash. Cheryl sent an email tot he store asking them about their change over and if they still have them available. With a little luck. .. They will and we can get them once again.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A Small change.
I carved up three seats tonight. I finished painting only two
thought since
Cheryl has to paint the flip flop seat. She is busy sewing up some slippers for her new project. The Cats have been Cheryl's shop cats lately. They love sleeping on her materials while she is working. Luckily they usually stay out of my shop when I turn on the vacuum.
She has been very busy as of late. Today she sold 5 stockings and two purses! I told her to prepare for the mad holiday rush this summer.. she is thanking me now. She has olmost depleted her "owl stocking" supply already!
In other news. This morning, I was surprised by a very strange, very loud sound coming from our front yard. Upon investigation, I found it to be a turkey chirping
( not gobbling) very loudly out in front of our house! The kids waiting for the bus were talking to it! As I ran for my Camera, it crossed in front of our house and into the small woodlot between the house on our other side. I could not get a picture...but it looked a lot like this one. he crossed back over behind us and was in our backyard for a while. Again, as I ran for the camera again ( yes I put it back after I didn't get the shot) He was back in the woods behind our house. This is not the first time we had turkeys in our yard. They have actually become rather common lately. but appear more towards evening. We actually have several flocks hanging around. Still, It's very cool to have them in your yard.

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